Chapter Six

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~Amy's POV~

A Few Months Later (September)

After a few months, I settled into my new life in Japan with my dad. Though I still had a difficult time making friends, there were a few girls in my class that were nice to me at school so it was leaps and bounds better than back in the states. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror feeling apprehensive. Dad asked me to attend some charity event that a lot of professional heroes would be at. I was nervous, I didn't want to do anything to make him look bad.

The girl staring back at me in the mirror looked scrawny, dainty and pale. I looked to the pretty pale blue dress hugging my petite frame, it looked like something a princess might wear. Makoto had taken me dress shopping when she heard I was going to the charity event with dad. She'd even gotten me some makeup and helped show me how to apply it, though I didn't want to use very much of it so only used some mascara and a soft pink lip stain.

There was a knock at my door and I turned as it opened and a head of glittering gold hair poked through the small gap. A radiant smile lit up his face as he spotted me standing nervously in front of the mirror. "Excuse me, your highness, I appear to have the wrong room, I'm looking for my daughter, Amy, she's about this big." He held up his hand roughly about where my height would be.

"Dad." I giggled, "You're being silly again."

"Oh, it is my Amy, I thought you were a real princess." He beamed as he stepped into the room in a dapper black tuxedo.

I couldn't help but laugh at his antics.

He picked up the matching pale blue shawl Makoto had picked out to keep me from getting cold and draped it over my shoulders. "Ready to go, Princess?" He offered me his arm.

I smiled as I placed my arm in his and followed him out the door. We paused by the front poor to put on our shoes. Makoto had picked out a pair of reasonably comfortable short heels that matched my dress. We stepped outside and found an awaiting car to chauffeur us to the event. I really felt like a princess with the fancy dress and the star treatment.

We arrived at a large fancy banquet hall and managed to avoid the press, since he knew they made me nervous. There were beautiful floral arrangements, glittering lights and even some ice sculptures decorating the grand ballroom. I'd never seen anything so fancy before. It felt like a real fairytale ball that I only thought existed in books and movies.

As soon as we stepped into the giant ballroom, all eyes were on us. I felt my heart begin to race as everyone turned their attention to us. Dad was the number one hero, everyone gawked at him when he was in his hero form. He smiled and waved at a few people but paused as he felt my grip unconsciously tighten on his arm.

I felt his gaze on me and realized I'd accidentally reacted. I couldn't do anything to embarrass him. Before he could ask me if I was alright, I offered him a reassuring smile and eased my grip. He didn't look convinced but we were interrupted as several people came to greet him.

"Who's this lovely young lady, All Might?" One of the wealthy looking women that had come to greet him asked with a smile.

Dad beamed proudly, "This is my daughter, Amelia." He looked like he might tear up and I realized this was the first time he'd gotten to publicly introduce me to anyone when he was appearing as All Might.

Many of the women surrounding us gasped causing everyone in the ballroom to look our way again. I tensed and unconsciously gripped his arm again. The question that was sure to follow upon that information bomb: where's her mother? It was too soon for me to talk about it to strangers. Dad tactfully got the topic back to the charity event and had all the women giggling like schoolgirls in no time. After that we managed to excuse ourselves.

Princess of Peace [BNHA]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz