Chapter Nineteen

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~Toshinori's POV~

The morning of the Sports Festival, I went to wake Amy up, surprised that she wasn't already awake and making breakfast, as usual. I stepped into her room and paused as I spotted her laying on her stomach in bed. She didn't usually lay on her stomach.

"Amy?" I called out to her softly but she didn't stir from her slumber. I moved closer and placed a hand on her back to shake her awake. The moment I applied any pressure she woke with a cry. Startled, I took a step back before I was overcome with worry, "Princess, what's wrong?"

Amy nervously chewed on her lower lip as she slowly sat up, "n-nothing, I'm okay."

Did she get hurt while she was training? "What happened?"

She lowered her gaze; I knew she didn't want me to worry and was trying to be brave and hide her pain. "I fell on the stairs, the other night."

"What?! Did you hit your head? Are you alright? When did this happen?" I fired off a rapid volley of questions and scrambled to her side.

She shook her head and looked to be beating herself up over something, "n-no, Shinso caught me and made sure I didn't hit my head."

Shinso? If that's another filthy boy...UNITED STATES OF SMASH! Ayumi's voice roared in the back of my mind. "Who's Shinso?" I asked warily.

"A boy from school." Amy replied softly.

TOSHINORI! Ayumi's voice went off in my head along with a slew of alarm bells. Great, another boy I had to worry about. NO BOYS! Ayumi raged inside my mind. "No boys!" I blurted before I could stop myself, more as a panicked agreement to the conjured voice of Ayumi in my head.

Amy jumped at my sudden outburst and withdrew into herself a little thinking she'd somehow let me down. "I'm sorry."

"Ah! No! That's not what I meant!" I panicked not wanting to upset her. It was too late, she thought I was angry with her for speaking to a boy when she knew I wasn't ready for boys. "Amy, it's okay." I wrapped her in my arms. Her petite frame tensed as my arm brushed against her back and I grimaced. Just how bad was it? "How bad is it?" I asked her worried.

"I-its just a bruise." She squeaked and shifted her night shirt a little so I could see it.

I felt my heart stutter in my chest, while she was right, it was just a bruise, it covered a good portion of her back and was so dark it was practically black. It looked pretty bad. It probably caused her a great deal of discomfort even when nothing was touching it. "Nothing feels broken?" I asked her to be sure.

She shook her head.

Seemed I owed this Shinso boy a thank you for protecting her, if she'd fallen hard enough to leave that kind of a mark no doubt had she hit her head she would have given herself a concussion, or worse. I kissed the top of her head, "alright, I'll leave it alone, but please tell me the next time you get hurt even if you think it's something little."

"I was worried you'd put me in a bubble." She admitted.

I couldn't help but chuckle at this, it wasn't like the thought hadn't crossed my mind. She was precious and I wanted her to be protected. "Only as a last resort."

She giggled softly at this and accepted the hand I offered her to help her out of bed. Her gaze fell on her UA gym uniform laid out atop her dresser and she blanched slightly.

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