Chapter Twenty Four

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~Amy's POV~

After the final, I started getting random bouts of lightheadedness, dizziness and spontaneous nosebleeds. According to Dad, my quirk had activated while I'd been unconscious and it may have gone a little overboard. Just another reason for me to be terrified of my quirk. Bakugo was in a foul mood after our final and seemed to be avoiding me. He'd been at my bedside in Recovery Girl's office until I'd woken up, then left without a word. He was probably mad that I'd been so useless in our final since I'd been unconscious for the majority of it and he and Izuku had to save me. I didn't feel like I should have passed the final since I hadn't really been there for any of it but Dad and Mr. Aizawa wouldn't hear of it.

After we'd gotten our results in class, those who had failed were panicking and moping about having to miss the upcoming training camp. Mr. Aizawa assured us that everyone would still get to go to the training camp but those who had failed would get some additional lessons to try to catch up. Toru suggested we all go shopping together as a class to stock up on things we'd all need for the training camp. It sounded like fun.

Kirishima tried to get Bakugo to join in but he growled out a response about it being too annoying and walked off without a word to anyone. Todoroki also declined the invitation. I was a little sad that Bakugo and Todoroki were going to miss out on our class outing, especially since it seemed like we'd all had fun on the last one.

We all agreed to meet at The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, an outdoor mall not too far from home. It was close enough I was sure Dad would let me go on my own. He seemed a little apprehensive but reluctantly agreed when I asked him if I could go. I made him promise not to have Midoriya meet me at the house and walk me there, it was out of his way and I didn't want to be an inconvenience. Dad seemed even more reluctant after that condition but agreed.

On the morning of the shopping trip, I woke up early. I spent a lot of time trying to decide what to wear. It was almost time for summer so it was pretty warm out, but the mornings were still a little chilly. I settled on a pair of pink shorts that had cute little glass slippers embroidered on them and a matching pale blue top that had sheer sleeves and some cute sheer ruffles at the bottom. I grabbed a cute Cinderella mini backpack Dad had gotten me on our last Disney trip and scoured my room for things I thought I might need. I packed my wallet, some lip balm, tissues, more tissues in case I had a particularly bad nosebleed, bandaids, hand sanitizer, a small notepad, a pen, phone charger, phone and a mini first aid kit. Once my bag was packed, I looked at the clock on my nightstand, it was still a little early. To kill some time, I tried to style my hair in a cute updo. I attempted to curl it but it didn't want to cooperate. After trying to style it for twenty minutes and getting nowhere, I gave up with a sigh and pulled it up into a loose bun. A few stray wisps of blonde hair fell framing my face.

Another look at my alarm clock and I smiled, I'd successfully killed enough time to arrive fashionably early. I skipped out the door and spotted Dad sitting at the table, he was on the phone. He looked over as I exited my room and smiled. "I'll talk to you later, Tsukauchi, keep me posted." He hung up the phone and stretched to his feet, "Good Morning Princess, how are you feeling?"

I hadn't felt dizzy yet this morning and I'd only had one minor nosebleed, "better." I replied with a smile. "Is everything okay with Uncle Naomasa?"

Dad smiled, "he's fine, I was just asking him to look into something for me."

"Oh. Villain stuff?" I surmised.

He nodded, "nothing for you to worry about, Princess. Ready for your shopping trip?"

I nodded, excited that I'd found friends to share these kind of 'normal' high school experiences with.

"What's the number one rule?" He asked me seriously.

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