Chapter Two

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Amy Age:13

~Amy's POV~

My Dearest Princess Amelia,

I'm so sorry, baby. I have to leave you. I know you're going to be hurting and I know this is incredibly hard for you. It's hard for me too, I don't want to leave my baby girl. Though, I do take comfort in knowing I'm not leaving you alone. I know we've only talked about him once but there is no one else I would trust with something as precious as you. Your father is a wonderful man, the best hero in the world and I know he'll be the best father too, given some time.

It was unfair of me to keep you two from each other. I was selfish and I wanted to keep you all to myself. Be patient with him, he's a man, they're all idiots, and I did just spring it on him that he had a child. You've always known you had a father, he just wasn't around, because you had to come from somewhere, so you're probably processing this much better than he is.

Your father is kind of an idiot, but in a good way. His name is Toshinori Yagi, though I'm sure you've figured out he's All Might, he's not very subtle. See! You're not adopted, you just take after your father! Don't be afraid to talk to him, he's a great listener and one of the best problem solvers' I have ever met. He can fix all kinds of things.

Give him time to catch on to the parenting thing, it's new for him. Though now is your chance to get away with anything you want! Oh, who am I kidding, you're too nice to try and pull anything over on anyone. Who raised you?

My heart hurt as I read through her letter for the hundredth time. I could hear her voice in my head along with her loud knee-slapping laughter.

In all seriousness, my love, I just want you to be happy. Please find happiness and friends, not all people are bad. I know I tell you all people are gross but they're not all bad, give people a chance, don't be afraid to open up and make friends. People don't bite, well most...that's not helping...okay well if anyone tries to bite you, you can just pick them up and send them on their merry way.

Her laughter enveloped me, I could hear it in the back of my mind. It always brought me joy and made me smile but now, thinking of her laughter filled my heart with pain and cloaked me in sorrow. It was just a memory now. I'd never hear it again.

I'm so sorry I won't be there when you get your first period, or your first boyfriend, or when you learn how to drive, or go to prom, or graduate high school, or college, or get married.

It was just an endless run on of things I now never wanted to do or experience because my mom wouldn't be there cheering me on or helping me along the way. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

I love you, princess.

Her handwriting was starting to get shaky. These were her final moments, pouring her heart out to me, trying to console and comfort me while she was dying, all alone.

There was a soft knock at my bedroom door. I'd been released from the hospital a few hours ago. All Might...or I guess I should refer to him as my father... it still feels foreign to me, maybe not quite yet. All Might brought me home so I could pack some things, though he told me he'd do all the packing if I just wanted to point at things so I could rest more. It was nice but I wasn't ready to face anyone, not yet. I glanced around my room. Before, my room felt like a safe little hideaway. It was always warm and inviting, there were shelves upon shelves with books, soft plushies in an array of colors and animals, every piece of furniture had at least one fuzzy warm fleece blanket draped over it. Now, looking around my room at all the things that used to bring me joy, I felt cold and alone, surrounded by emptiness.

Another knock, a little louder than before sounded from the door behind me. I folded the letter carefully and returned it to the worn envelope, but I couldn't let go of it. Glancing behind me at the door I hesitated. It would be polite to answer him, mom said I should give him a chance and I should be patient with him. I activated my quirk and slid the lock on the door into place. Not now, I couldn't face him right now, I needed more time.

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