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Faye was quickly adjusting to her new life style. She had woken up this morning and headed to school with no problems.

She scouted every hallway before running through it to avoid her friends. She went the whole day without seeing them.

Currently she was being driven to the practice building. Faye was antsy in her seat- thinking about meeting the dreamies.

"We're here." The driver said; she made a personal goal for herself to work up the nerve and ask him what his name was before the week ended.

Crawling out of the car she grabbed her bag and walked into the large building.

The boys were scattered around the practice room. Her eyes caught Jungwoos but she hastily broke eye contact.

Faye sat down on the dark couch and pulled out her books. She had her final exam tomorrow then school became optional for the remaining two days.

She felt a presence sit next to her. Guessing it was Jungwoo because upon their elbow touching a euphoric feeling poured into her body.

"Hey Faye." Jungwoo greeted her in a overly optimistic tone.

"Hi" She sounded a lot bitchier then she intended.

"I was wondering if you wanted to-"

"Faye!" A voice yelled throughout the practice room. A smile formed on her lips when she saw Haechan running towards her.

"The dreamies are in the lobby do you want to go met them?" Eager to get out of her uncomfortable conversation with Jungwoo she nodded and waved farewell to her unhappy soulmate.

Haechan raced through the halls and down the stairs with Faye trying the catch her breath as she chased after him.

She felt a unfamiliar calmness when she thought about meeting the dreamies. It was one of the first times in her life she wasn't nervous to meet new people.

Arriving at the bottom floor she spotted a group of teen boys fooling around at a cluster of couches.

Haechan dashed towards them and Faye trailed behind.

"NCT dream, Faye. Faye, NCT dream." Haechan panted out. Faye waved at their breathtaking faces.

A tall one walked up to her and shoved out his hand. "I'm Jeno we spoke on the phone yesterday."

Faye smiled at the memory and shook his hand. One by one they introduced them selfs. The younger one, Jisung accidentally called her noona but Haechan was quick to explain that she was younger than him-only by a few months.

After taking for a few minutes they consecutively decided to order take out. They all sat in a empty practice room and ate together.

"It's so weird that your younger than us. You act so mature" The second youngest Chenle said.

"I know right. Her first night at the dorm Johnny Hyung offered her a drink." Haechan recalled stuffing rice into his mouth. "I would have said yes."

Faye, along with the other boys let out a chuckle.

"I was so surprised when I found out that Jungwoo hyung had a soulmate. No one else in NCT does right?" Renjun piped in.

"Wendy from red velvet does. She met him before she debuted though." Jaemin added. Faye was shocked to hear that another idol has a soulmate and they have kept it a secret.

She was about to ask a question when her phone dinged. Pulling it out of her back pocket she read the message.


Faye could you come back to the practice room?

I'm sorry who is this?

It was obviously someone from NCT 127- but only Haechan had her number and he was sitting across from her seeing how many pieces of beef he could shove in his mouth.


It's Jungwoo.

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