Chapter 1

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*Matt's P.O.V*

I've been on the plane for a few hours already. I tried to sleep off the sadness that's wearing down on me for the first hour of the flight and it worked for a bit and then it didn't.

Now it's only three hours in the plane ride and I'm just sitting here while eating some pretzels and having water.

I had texted my family that I'm on my way home and they said they'll be at the airport waiting for me.

I've been doing a lot of thinking since I walked out of Alex's house and went into the rental car that I was using and when I arrived at the airport.

What Alex did was completely low and I never expected that she would do something like that.

Especially to someone like me.

What was she trying to do? Hide from me and consider that she was protecting me?

She thinks that I need to be protected. I don't need that. I never did. My heart is broken now and I won't be able to feel any of the emotions right now.

Since I arrived at the airport and got on the plane, I have received messages from Alex.

Alex: Matt, please just listen to me.

Alex: I'm sorry, Matt 😔

Alex: Can you please just let me explain on why it happened?

Alex: I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

Alex: Matt, please.

I sighed just seeing the messages and did the one thing that I had to do. I hated it but I knew that I had to do it. Just so that it can give me time to myself.

I went to her Instagram account and just blocked her.

It put a pain in my heart just doing that but I know that I'll be okay with the decision tomorrow, maybe.

"Hey man, are you okay?" The guy next to me asked.

I looked over at him and he seemed to be around mid thirties.

I shook my head. "Not really but I'll get through it I think."

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"There's not much to talk about to be honest." I said honestly, even though I can feel the punching in my stomach that's telling me to stop saying stuff that I don't mean.

"It's about a girl, isn't it?"

I looked at him, eyes wide. "How you know?"

"A man like me can figure out that a young fella like you is feeling it. You are all sad and everything and you feel really down. I can tell that it's about a girl. What happened?"

I started to think on if I should tell this stranger my problems. But then again, maybe just talking about it won't be so bad.

Then I just started to talk. "She lied to me. She was keeping something from me and really just didn't give me the effort. She didn't want me to find out what was happening and then letting one of her friends control what she does in her life. I knew that something was bothering her and she would lie and tell me that there's nothing. She left me in the dark."

The guy nodded and tried to understand what I just told me.

"Is this girl special?"

Is Alex special? Would I still consider it even after what she did?

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