Chapter 1

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A/N: hey guys I'm back with another fairy tail crossover Fate stay night series and I don't own either series. Once again I want to thank FizzyGaming so i hope you enjoy this story as well. mention a user

'Speaking between Angelica, Jeanne and Lucy'

1 July, X767

"One more time, come on you can do it just one more" said a man with brown hair and brown eyes as he held the hand of a woman that had blonde hair and blue eyes. The woman threw her head back with a cry of pain before another cry rang out, this one brought tears to both of the adult's eyes. 
"Congratulations, it's a baby girl" smiled the doctor as he handed the baby to the mother who was panting for exhaustion. 
"Look at her Jude, our baby....Our baby girl" the woman said choked up on tears looking at the infant that was kicking her legs while crying. 
"Our baby girl our Lucky Lucy Heartfielia, she is perfect Layla" whispered Jude as he picked the girl up gently in his arms and looking at his daughter as she stopped crying. The baby blinked her brown eyes open before smiling brightly making noise as she reached up to her father's face. 
"Here I will take her for a check up" smiled the doctor and Jude nodded gently handing the baby over before leaning down and kissing Layla's head.
"We finally have our baby, we can finally hold our baby in our arms" smiled Layla even though she was exhausted. 
"Um ma'am, sir" said the doctor coming back with Lucy wrapped in a pink blanket, all cleaned up now. 
"What is it? What's wrong?" Layla asked panicking as her baby was placed back in her arms. 
"Nothing's wrong per say it depends on how you look at it but nothing is seriously wrong, your baby is in perfect health" smiled the doctor assuringly. 
"Then what is it?" Jude asked, placing his hand on Lucy's belly. 
"Her magical power, I'm sorry to say but it doesn't exist, not like most people in Fiore" said the doctor. 
"What do you mean? Not like most people?" Layla asked. 
"I'm sure that you have heard of the side world called earth? It connects by a gateway on the edge of Fiore" said the doctor. 
"Yes, we have both heard of this world, what has that got to do with Lucy?" Jude asked, getting annoyed at the doctor. 
"In this other world some people are born with magic circuits and they are the only people that can use magic in this side world, instead of Lucy being born with a magic core that allows her to learn a certain type of magic like celestial magic or learning magic like maker mages she is born with magic circuits so she will only be able to use the magic that is in the other world such as projection magecraft or reinforcement magecraft" explained the doctor. 
"Thank god" said Jude. 
"She may not be able to use celestial magic like me but I can tell that she is destined for something great" smiled Layla letting her daughter cling to her finger.

Time skip 10 year old Lucy's POV

"Mama, Papa come on, come on" I cheered with a smile as I ran into the garden with Michelle. 
"Lucy calm down a little bit, Mama's not feeling very well today so we have to take it easy" said Papa and I nodded slowing down. 
"Mama can you tell me the story again? About magic?" I asked as they sat down at the table and I beamed up at them. 
"Come here then" smiled Mama and Papa picked me up onto his lap making me giggle. 
"Now lets see if I remember it right, Mama has something called magic power that lets me summon celestial spirits like Aquarius, Loke, Virgo, Capricorn and Aries but out there in the rest of the world people have all sorts of magic. Some magic lets people manipulate fire, other magic lets people summon swords, some allows people to change their appearance and there is even some that can heal without leaving any wounds. All over Fiore there are all types of different magic users but in the side world called Earth there are different mages that have something called Magic circuits" said Mama. 
"This is my favorite part" I said looking at Papa. 
"Hush now little one" smiled Papa gently touching the tip of my nose. 
"Now these magic circuits may be different from Fiore's magic but they still have their own unique abilities such as jewel mage craft, projection mage craft or even reinforcement mage craft. One day when you're old enough and Mama's all better we are going to go to Fuyuki city, part of the other world and then me and your Papa are going to find magic that you can use okay baby" smiled Mama and I beamed. 
"Yes, yes, yes I'm gonna be the bestest mage ever, then imma protect Mama, Papa and Michelle" I cheered as I ran around on the grass. Before long it was time to go back inside since it was time for my nap and Mama was going to be seen by a doctor. 
"How much longer?" Papa asked the doctor who was in Mama's room, I was meant to be napping but I wanted to hear what was happening to Mama. 
"Without treatment......She won't last the year. The only person that could manage to heal her magic core is Porlyusica, she is a recluse mage that is a healing mage" said the doctor. 
"We have tried to find her but nothing yet" said Papa, his voice was sad and I wanted to make him happy again but with Mama being sick I knew that he wouldn't be happy again until she was better. 
"Perhaps you should get onto Fairy tail, they are a mage guild and Polychisa was once part of the guild, the master was one of her friends, they are in Magnolia so it isn't too far away" said the doctor. Creeping away from the door I went to the library before getting a map from the shelves and looking at it. 
"Magnolia" I whispered to myself tracing over the map until I got to the town called Magnolia and I looked to see one of the trains went straight to that town. Papa was too worried about Mama and taking care of me to go to this Fairy tail so I would just have to go by myself. With the help of the servants I packed a bag with a change of clothes just in case along with some food, though they thought I was going to the back yard for a picnic. I dressed in a pink and white dress with white socks and pink shoes before I headed out of the door and started walking to the train station. I didn't know how long I walked but soon enough I came to the train station. Taking out my bag of jewels, the nice train man helped me buy a ticket though he looked at me strangely. It was scary being by myself but it was for Mama and I had Michelle so I was going to continue even if I was terrified. 
"Here we are little miss Magnolia, are you sure that you are okay?" the train man asked. 
"Yep" I nodded as I got off the train hugging Michelle to me tightly at seeing all of the people around me. I didn't know how long I wondered but I was lost and couldn't find this fairy place making me tear up. If I didn't find this Fairy place Mama was going to go away and I didn't want that, I just wanted to help Mama but now I was lost. 
'Now, now no need for those tears perhaps I can help' said a  voice making me look around but no one was around me. 
"Where are you?" I asked confused as I looked around. 
'I am in my mind young Lucy, I am going to help you find Fairy tail okay?' asked the voice. 
"Okay" I said getting up and wiping my tears away. 
'Do not speak out loud child, just think what you want to say' said the voice. 
'Like this?' I asked. 
'Exactly now continue following this path straight until I tell you to turn' said the voice. 
'I'm Lucy, what's your name voice?' I asked. 
'I am Jeanne D'arc' said the voice. 
'Jenna?' I asked confused, making her laugh a little. 
'You can just call me Joan for now' said Jeanne. 
'Okay thank you for helping Joan but how come no one else can hear you?' I asked her. 
'I will explain it later okay? For now you should continue to speak in your head to me and also do not tell anyone about me' said Jeanne. 
'Okay' I chirped as I continued to follow her instructions. Soon enough I was in front of a large building with a sign reading Fairy Tail on top of it. 
"I made it" I grinned as I walked in the doors. There were other children racing around as well as adults sitting around either drinking or eating or just talking to each other. 
"Who may you be, young one?" asked a voice and I looked to see an old man that was short in front of me but I didn't say this out loud seeing as it was rude. 
"Um, I'm looking for something called a Master" I explained to him. 
"Well then you're in luck I am Master Makarov, now what can I do for you?" Makarov asked. 
"Then you know that Porly woman, oh I'm Lucy by the way" I said with a bright smile. 
"Porlyusica? What about her?" Makarov asked. 
"Mama is sick and the doctor said that Mama will have to go away soon if Porly doesn't come and help Mama but Papa can't find Porly and cause he is busy with me he couldn't come and see you himself so I decided to come see ya" I said. 
"Well I will have to see if she will come with us so why don't you come with me" said Makarov and I nodded my head. Makarov then grew in size before gently placing me on his back making me squeal in joy as he held me on his shoulders. Since Makarov was bigger and faster than me it wasn't long before we appeared in what I guessed was a forest with a nice house that looked like it was made out of a tree. 
"Porlyusica? Are you there?" Makarov asked setting me down as he knocked on the door. 
"What do you want Makarov" snapped a pink haired woman with a glare making me jump a little. 
"I have brought someone that would like to ask you something" said Makarov, gently placing a hand on my back pushing me forward. 
"Miss Porly, I'm Lucy please fix my Mama" I said as I bowed my head, my arms wrapped tightly around Michelle. 
"Fix your Mama?" Porlyusica asked with a glare. 
"Uh huh, Mama is sick and the doctor said you are the only one able to fix Mama, I don't....I don't want Mama to go away" I sobbed trying in vain to rub the tears away. 
"Porlyusica, please" said Makarov  looking at his long time friend. 
"Very well but then you will leave me alone" barked Polyshica. 
"Thank you Miss Porly" I said with a smile that was half watery from my tears. Instead of being by myself on the train this time I was with Porlyusica and Makarov but no one else was in the cart with us since Porlyusica didn't like humans. 
"What do you mean you can't find her?! Keep looking if anything has happened to Lucy you will all pay dearly" barked a voice I knew well enough when we got home. 
"Papa" I called out as I opened the door. 
"Lucy! Where were you? I was so worried when no one could find you" said Papa hugging me tightly. 
"I went to the fairy place and brought back the Poly woman" I said to him with a smile. 
"You must be Lucy's father, I am Makarov Dreyar and this is Porlyusica, Lucy here tells us that your wife is sick" said Makarov with a smile. 
"Just show me to the woman so that I can get this over and down with" said Porlyusica. 
"Of course thank you so much for this, I'm sorry Lucy caused you trouble" said Papa as he walked up to Mama and Papa's room showing the woman in the room. Even though I knew that Papa was going to be mad at me I could tell by the way he smiled when Porlyusica told us that Mama would recover in a few weeks so long as she took the medicine that was left for her. After that both Porlyusica and Makarov left refusing to accept any payment, saying that our smiles were good enough. Once they were gone though Papa lectured me and also told me that I wasn't allowed to leave the house by myself for a whole week even Mama scowled before smiling and hugging me. 
"My little adventurer already" smiled Mama snuggling me up close to her making me giggle. I may not be able to leave the house for a week but that was okay so long as Mama was okay I didn't care.

Jeanne D'arc Ainsworths journey: Unbroken warriorWhere stories live. Discover now