Rouge avengers return (Version 2)

Start from the beginning

"Wanda if Pietro lets you, you can access anywhere he has access to as long as your with him. Same for Natasha, Fury, The other bartons, and Coulson. They can access any room or floor as long as an Alpha 5 approves it." They nodded all a little curious as to who that one classified person is. "Can we earn a higher badge?" Wanda asked. "Yeah. I'm thinking of letting alpha 4's access every floor but no labs." Tony explained. "Anyway FRIDAY will direct you to your rooms. I have to go I'm late for a date." They all waved bye as tony walked to the elevator.

"Does he still trust us?" Clint asked rhodey. "To an extent yes. He really wants to go back to the way things were just...give him time." Rhodey said going in the elevator. They nodded and friday directed them their rooms. "Uncle Rhodey." A little voice said as soon as the elevators opened. He looked down and saw Peter running at him. He picked him up and spun him around. "How's my favorite nephew?" Rhodey asked putting him on his hip.

"Daddy and me made gifts!" Peter said wiggling out of rhodeys arms. "Gifts?" Rhodey asked as peter dragged him to the table. On the table were a bunch of things varying from arrows to gloves. "You made these?" Rhodey asked his nephew. Peter nodded and Tony came in. "I helped. They were his idea and I helped him build them." Tony but in. "Who are what for? If that makes sense." Rhodey asked.

"The arrows are for clint, the gloves are for wanda to help her control her powers and they match her jacket, the stickers are for cap, they are adroable and if you press a button they can eletrocute someone, the arm is for bucky, it has a bunch of cool features and it should be comfortable and a little lighter, the backpack is for sam, they are improved wings that can accelerate him faster and have built in guns and an upgraded redwing, and the rings are for the twins, they point you in the direction of whoever is wearing the other ring and it serves as a communicator and notifys the one if the other is having a panic attack or seriously injured."

Rhodey looked impressed. "That's what you guys have been working on for the past few weeks." They both nodded. "They aren't ready yet but these are the Basic designs." Tony said. "Peter honey you are way smarter than your dad." Rhodey joked. Tony looked offended. "Ouch Sourpatch that hurt." Tony said clutching his chest. Peter giggled and Pepper came in and grabbed her son and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek. "It is almost 10 o clock why on earth are you awake Pete?" He giggled and pointed at tony. Pepper gave her husband the look. "You little snitch." Tony growled jokingly. Peter burst out laughing at his dads face.

"Alright buddy have you had your bath?" Peter nodded. "Alright bed time. Say goodnight to your dad and uncle." Peter stopped laughing and waved. "G'nite dada g'nite 'ncle Rhodey." Pepper went to put him to bed and Rhodey and Tony came with. They all kissed him goodnight and were about to leave. "Wait." Peter said. "Can An'tie Tasha read me a story?" He said giving his irresistable puppy dog eyes. "Fine. Your daddy's gonna go get her." Peter cheered and Tony laughed and walked to the elevator.

Friday took him down to where Natasha was. To his suprise the whole team plus Laura was there playing uno. "Umm hey." He said interrupting them. "Nat can you come here for a second?" He asked turning to Nat. "What for stark I'm about to win?" She said looking at her last 2 cards and smirking. "Yeah Tony come play the next round with us." Steve said. "I might but right now I really need you nat." He said getting impatient.

"Uno!" Nat said putting down a draw 4. "What do you want stark?" She said looking at him with a look that siad 'This better be good'. "Ummm we've initated protocol green eggs and ham." He said. That was their code for read peter whetever story was named. "Oh...OH. Why didn't you say so?" She put down her last card which was a wild card. "Uno out." She pretty much ran to the elevator. "What's protocol green eggs and ham?" Wanda asked. "Classified." They said at the same time.

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