You let him go and move to steve.

You" I'm sorry I swear so much.."

He laughs.

Steve" I really don't give a shit if you do but thanks"

You move to Nat who you can tell is worried.

Nat pulls you in.

Nat" everything is going to be fine."

You" thank you for helping me gain back some confidence."

You then turn to Thor, who gladly hugs you.

You" even though we don't really know each other you made me laugh alot so thank you."

Thor" we will see each other again lady y/n, I assure you."

Then you turn to Loki.

His hands are behind his back. You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his neck.

You" well both get through this."

After a few seconds an arm wraps around your waist. Then two.

After a minute he pulls away. He gives you a smile and rest his hand on your shoulder.

Loki" I wish you the best of luck. If they aren't completely incoherent, then you will be fine."

You chuckle at his jab to the homeland directory bored.

You turn to fury and reach out your hand knowing that hugging him was probably put of the question.

You" director, thank you for all you've done."

Fury reaches out and shakes your hand.

Fury" for the record y/n, I hope to continue working with you in the future."

You give him a smile at his attempt at comforting you.

Bucky takes your hand and you step closer to him.

Fury" let's go"

You push your hat lower and put your sunglasses on.

As soon as you walk out of the quinn, people are yelling and taking your picture. Armed guards surround your group and
talk you to the door. Luckily youre able to make it inside fairly quickly.

Even though there aren't any paparazzi, the armed men still surround you.

Bucky" you can take the hat and stuff off now."

You do exactly as he says and a few men in suits walk up to you.

Fury" this is director ford, head of homeland, Phil culson, SHEILD agent, and some FBI agents.

The FBI agents start walking twords you and Loki.

Bucky steps I front of you.

Ford" both of you will be taken for priliminary interviews. Then to a room untill tomorrow. As for the rest of you thank you for coming we'll see you before the trial. Someone will come get you for your interview soon."

Agents walk to Loki and grab his arm.

Thor" unhand Him!"

Fury" Thor. Let him go."

Thor" I won't leave him alone."

Fury" you have to"

Ford" with all due respect, mr.god, you're not aloud to be in physical contact untill the trial."

Bucky" and all due respect, I'm not leaving my girlfriend alone."

Ford turns to you and Bucky.

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