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You wake with a jolt, hearing a muffled scream. You instantly look at Bucky who is sound asleep beneath you.

You listen, and hear it again. You gently sit up a bit, propping yourself up on your elbow and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.  You hear it again, but this time your eyes shoot open and you sit up. Who ever is screaming sounds.... Broken.

You reach over and gently shake Bucky awake, and eventually his eyes flutter open, then he jumps up and starts looking you over.

Bucky" what's wrong are you ok?"

You put your hand on his chest to calm him.

You" I'm ok, but someone else isn-"

As your speaking another scream echoes through the floor.

Bucky's eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you both get up and walk out of your room.

Bucky" it doesn't sound like Steve"

And he's right because two seconds later steve's rushes out of his room, half asleep, trying to put a shirt on. As soon as he sees you and Bucky he breathes a sigh of relief, then gets even more concerned.

Steve" who's screaming?"

You and Bucky just shrug your shoulders.

You" jarvis, who is screaming?"

Jarvis" Mr. Loki seems to be the one under duress."

You all look at each other with apprehensive glances the rush to the elevator, going up to thor's floor.

The screaming only gets louder. You can't tell what he is screaming until the elevator doors open and you step out.

He's screaming for help. For someone to stop. Bucky, you, and Steve, follow the noise untill you come to one of the bedrooms.

Loki is in hysterics, kicking and thrashing, screaming, tears running down his face. And Thor is holding him, trying to keep him from hurting himself or someone else. Thor looks up at you three desperate.

Thor" he just started screaming, I've never seen him like this."

You instantly step forward and walk up to him and Loki.

You" hell be ok, he's having a night terror. There not common but some of us get them."

You place your hands on loki's head and speak to him telepathically so he will actually hear you.


Suddenly he takes in a gulp full of air and his eyes shoot fully open. He starts looking around frantically and trying to get out of thor's and your grip.

You" Loki, Loki, hey. Look at me everything is ok. Your on midgard. In the avengers tower with Thor. Your safe."

When the look of recognition crosses over his face you take away your hands. His face turns to Thor, and he does something none of you expect.

He turns and clings to Thor as tight as he can.

Loki" he's coming we have to run"

Thor" Loki, no one is coming"

Loki pulls back. His eyes are wild with fear.

Loki" yes he is. Thanos. He's always been coming. We can't stop him. He's going to asgard we need to warn them."

Thor's eyes widen.

Thor" Loki, what do you mean."

Bucky moves forward and helps get Loki off the floor and onto the bed. Thor sits next to him and you crouch infront of Loki.

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