Dio x reader x Giorno - Sibling Rivalry (Part 3)

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Requested by: (Quite a few people, actually. XD)



Later that day, (Y/n) and I sat alone in the gang's living room. She looked out the window, her (e/c) reflecting the moonlight. "It's been a long time.." I said softly, hoping I wasn't going to distract her too much. (Y/n)'s eyes then met mine and she smiled softly, "Yeah. Ten years fly by quickly, huh? How's the folks?" 

"Doing well, but I'm afraid my brother hasn't forgotten you. He has a few pictures of you in his room." She shivered slightly, "Dio needs to move on, it IS his fault I moved in the first place." The room fell silent as we both remembered what happened that fateful day. 'I still love her. Should I tell her? Should I try to get back together?' 

"Oi, Death, what time you planning on going to sleep?" Said Mista, coming into the room. "Dunno. I need to catch up with Giorno, but I can assure you it won't be long." He nodded and kissed her cheek, walking away proudly. My heart was breaking. "Wait. Are you two in a relationship?" "No, that's just something he does. I allow it, but if he tries to kiss me on the lips, he's a goner." I let out a soft sigh of relief and nodded. "Okay."

 -Time skip-

The next morning, I found Bruno and (Y/n) making breakfast and chatting. "We'll need you to go around from behind and cover Mista unnoticed. This will allow us to capture the stalker." "Got it." "What were you guys talking about?" I said, leaning against the door frame. "Just today's mission." (Y/n) said simply, not even turning to face me. 'She's grown cold.' I thought sadly.

Everyone was soon downstairs and I heard multiple small voices all shouting like little kids.


 "Mista, we're hungry!"


 "(Y/n), can you give us food?" 

 "We love you, (Y/n)!" 

I frowned at the last one and saw multiple little figures on the table. 'Those are the Sex Pistols, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7.' I thought disliking the one who mentioned loving my beloved (Y/n). The woman in question chuckled a bit and gave them some food. "Love you guys too." Mista began to blush a bit, as she said that to HIS stand. I huffed slightly and ate my food in silence.

-Time skip again-

We were all in position, as I saw a strange figure walking around. He wore a kind of yellow suit with lime green hearts as a kind of knee pad. 'He looks familiar.' (Y/n) was close by, and she too was watching the mystery man as he walked the streets of Italy. When she moved, it was almost silent, and she blended into the shadows perfectly. The other gang members were also tailing this man carefully. 'He's a stand user  so we need to be careful... wait, does (Y/n) have a stand???'

I suddenly noticed a small kind of silhouette beside my love. She seemed to know it was there, but I couldn't see it... "Go." Hissed Narancia from his spot and Aerosmith took flight. Suddenly, as the little plane started shooting, causing a distraction, the man disapeared. 'like he had teleported.' I thought in shock, remembering how Dio did that ten years back. 

Mista's gun could be heard,riding from behind us, and we turned to see the man. His long golden hair visible along with his ruby red eyes. "D-Dio!" I said in shock. "Hello, dear brother." He said with a wicked grin, "and hello to you too, beautiful maiden in black." (Y/n) scowled from behind her mask and I was the figure again. "Why are you here? What do you want?" 

"Is it so wrong to search a bit more for the love of my life, (Y/n)?" I growled low in my throat as he picked up Narancia and slammed him against a nearby building. (Y/n)'s eyes widened and she got into a fighting stance. "Leave, Dio. You don't belong here. Whoever this (Y/n) is, she's not here." He smiled and disappeared. I heard a grunt and saw him holding my love. She was struggling in his grasp before judo flipping him and sticking a gun to his forehead. 

"Oh, I see now. Hello, (Y/n)." Her mask had been ripped off, her hoodie laid back to reveal her (h/c) hair. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out right now." The barrel of her gun spun and stopped on a bullet. 

"Because you would never have the heart to kill. Not only that, but you know how much it would hurt my father to know that his trusted (Y/n) killed his eldest son." 

"It's not hard for me to kill. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and I've been a top dog for a good year now. Mr. Joestar probably wouldn't be too happy, but I'm sure he'll come to forgive me. After all, you plagued his life just as much as mine." 

I let Golden Experience manifest and showed it to him. "I can say the same. You took away the one person in my life that could truly make any heart happy, just because of your selfish desires, and now that I've found her again, I won't let her go." 

Dio disappeared but I heard a crash as the silhouette appeared again, this time holding my unconscious brother. I could now see (Y/n)'s stand clearly, and I'll admit, it was pretty terrifying. "Good job, Black Plague."

The stand nodded and suddenly disappeared into the shadows, taking Dio with it

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The stand nodded and suddenly disappeared into the shadows, taking Dio with it.

"If all goes well, he will be most likely tortured and sent home. Though I can't promise anything." (Y/n) removed her damaged mask and turned to me, "Nice job, rookie." I couldn't hold back anymore and I leaned forward and kissed her. (Y/n) smiled a bit into the kiss, returning it before pushing me away and going to help her teammates. I smiled and blushed, running after her.

The Sibling Rivalry Was Over.



Four figures danced to music as Dio was held in a room, Black Plague sending a deadly glass into his chambers. 

🎶Vocal Percussion on a whole nother level, coming from my mind🎶

🎶Vocal on a whole nother level,coming from my mind🎶

As Dio's eyes started to close and his consciousness began to fade, he saw (Y/n) dancing with Fugo, Narancia, and Mista, all dancing until he was dead. 'This.... Don't be... Happening.... I... I Am... I AM DIO!!!!! I AM DIO!!! I AM-' and he fell down dead as a soft voice could be heard from (Y/n)'s stand.

"Arrivederci, Bastardo."


*sips Mocha Frappuccino proudly*

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