Joseph x reader - McFlip

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You and Joseph were spending time together and decided to go to McDonalds for lunch. 

(I swear this place gave me food poisoning one time. I really dislike McDonalds, but for the sake of this One shot I'm using it.)

When you arrived, you two took a hot second to decide on your food, but then finally began to order. "I'll have a big mac and coke." Said Joesph. "Alright, and you, Ma'am?" "Do you have the McFlips yet?" The cashier looked confused, "Wait, have you never heard of the McFlip?" She shook her head and you decided to help the lady out. Similar to Joseph with Tommy guns, you pulled a scooter out from God-knows-where and climbed up onto the counter. "McFlip!" You said, jumping off the counter, flipping on your scooter and landing perfectly. Needless to say, after placing your real order, you left a local hero. Joseph was proud to call you his girlfriend.

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