Jonathan x Joseph x reader x Jotaro - The Fight For Her

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(This will be a three part story. Be prepared to choose a Joestar)

3rd POV

The three Joestar brothers all sat in the back of the room. Girls were giggling as they talked about their favorite.

Jonathan- The polite young man who's determination knew no bounds, and courtesy was noticed by all. Having a passion for Archeology, he like to spend time studying history and such subjects.

Joseph- The class clown. Constantly pulling pranks on the teachers and fellow students, he's got a reputation as a trickster. He's an adventurous kind of guy who doesn't back down from a fight. That is, until he pulls his 'Jostar Family Secret Technique' which is to run away sceaming, "NIGERUNDAYO!!!" 

Jotaro- The silent but deadly one. He's the fan favorite of the group despite being a total jerk, yelling at people when they got on his nerves, smoking cigarettes, the usual had boy stuff. He's known as a delinquent, but really, he's just as caring as his brothers. He has a passion for Marine Biology, and love to go to the beach to watch dolphins. 

Yes, the Joestar brothers were almost completely different, and act accordingly, but there's one thing they all have in common. And there she is, walking through the door.


She was a beautiful girl who went to their school. She had captured the heart of many in the school, and the Joestar brothers were some of them. (Y/n) was a cheerful young girl who didn't dress to impress. She's an A+ student who shares similar interests with the Joestars, thus becoming friends with them. She noticed the three sitting in the back and waved to them, "Good morning, Jonathan, Joseph, and Jotaro! How was your weekend?" They all smiled (except for Jotaro who pulled his cap over his eyes), "Good thank you! How about yourself?" Asked the ever gentlemanly Jonathan. As she sat down in her usual seat in front of Joseph (who was in the middle) they all began to talk, girls and boys getting jealous of how close they were.


Everyone snapped to attention as the principal spoke over the loud speaker. 

 "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Before we being another week or school, I have a quick announcement to make. Prom Season is upon us, and I for one can't wait! Be sure to ask your sweetheart to be your date for the dance. It will take place in two weeks, so be prepared. That's all for the announcements, enjoy your week." 

 Girls and boys alike began to charter excitedly, talking about who they want to take to dance, some of them asking for a date. There teacher brought every student back to attention, but hardly anyone really thought about the lessons. Everyone was thinking about prom.


You had never really been to a dance before, so this would be fun. 'I could ask one of the brothers to be my date, but I'm so nervous.' You thought in anticipation as you struggled to keep up with the teacher's notes. You loved all the Joestars a bunch, and hoped maybe one of them would ask you to prom, but, 'What happens if they all ask me?' You weren't really one to refuse people, but being a date to prom is HUGE! How could you not be nervous, after all, with your popularity the questions would come by the truck load. 'Crap. I really need to be careful.' 


I really want to ask (Y/n) to be my date. She and I get along so well, and I really want to confess to her. Prom is the perfect opportipunity. I just need to be patient.


(Y/n) and I get along like bread and butter. There's no way she would be able to refuse my asking her to the dance. I need to find the perfect opportunity to ask her. Then I can confess too!


Tch. Other guys will be crawling all over her if I don't act fast. I'm not good at showing my emotions or anything, but I'll be darned if anyone else takes my girl.

-time skip-

The final bell rang and you hurriedly walked through the halls of school, ready to leave. Unfortunately, you were followed. A group of guys, Kars, Wammu, AcDc, and their leader Dio Brando. When you noticed them, you got a little scared. When you quickened your pace, so did they. 'I've got to get out of here.' You thought, and began to run.

(This is where you need to make a decision. Different decisions makes different endings so choose carefully.)

1) try to run home (Joseph)

2) try to lose them in the football field (Jonathan)

3) try to run to the beach (Jotaro)

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