Josuke x reader - Lazy Day

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The rain drizzled down the window of your bedroom, the soft pitter patter echoing from the rooftop. Laying back against your window seat, you watched the outside world. Grey and dismal, as it usually was on rainy days such as this. 'I wonder what the others are up to.' 

Your friends from school were probably playing video games, or doing something until the rain let out. Honestly you didn't care. The small wind that came with the rainstorm blew against the wall, filling your room with the soft sounds of a gentle breeze. It was soothing.

There was knock at the door that broke the peaceful silence. Opening it, you found your boyfriend, Josuke Higashkata. "Josuke, what are you doing here? Get inside before you get soaked." He came in and you laughed softly as his hair became a little messy. "Gah! My hair!" You kissed your wet friend on the cheek. "I think you look adorable, Josuke. Mind telling me why you came over? I thought you might be relaxing at home." 

The messy haired Josuke smiled, blushing and rubbing his neck, "I thought you might feel a little lonely. You're parents haven't been home recently so I thought I might spend the day with you. Is that okay?" You smiled at his thoughtfulness. "Of course I don't mind, Josuke. There's no one else I'd rather spend the day with." 

After shedding his wet jacket, you led him to the living room where you cuddled on the couch. Choosing a movie, you got warmed up in a fluffy blanket. Snacks were eventually made, and the laughter the movie brought was a joy to hear. 

When the movie ended, there was a comfortable silence. Your eyelids dropped as the perfect warmth of the blanket and the comfy position you two were in made you sleepy. "I love you Josuke." "I love you two (Y/n)." Smiling, the two of you drifted off to the sounds of the rain as it lulled you to sleep.

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