The mountin

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Walking the hill is hell. I'm sweating, breathing heavy and my legs are so sore. They feel as though they are on fire. Not a pleasant feeling. At. All.

Mia is walking this hill like she walks it five times a day! She's not broken a sweat the entire time. How?

I really need to start working out. You would think I would be able to do this walk with ease since I'm an alpha wolf and all. But nooo... I'm a waterfall of sweat and tears right now.

Why did I think this was a good idea? I bet I look like a tomato. Not a cute look.

I have to admit though, this forest is very beautiful. It makes the whole walk ten times better. Being able to talk to Mia about things in peace is so nice. I've learned so much about her in the last hour than I think I would have in a week of knowing her at school.

'So Mia, when do you think you want to take over the alpha role?' I ask, trying to keep up with Mia's long strides up the steep hill.

There was a long awkward pause until Mia sighs and replies 'In a month or so.' Mia says slowing down so I can hear her. 'Being alpha is a lot of responsibility. It tore my dad apart mentally when he first became alpha. He didn't realise just how much work it is. There isn't just having power and control over a group of people. It's maintaining peace and order. Feeding the pack. Making peace and trades with other packs. Deciding what's best for our members all the while keeping yourself and your family life at peace and happy. These decisions are sometimes life or death. And I want to keep that responsibly at bay for as long as possible.'

'Your dad must think highly of you to offer that spot at this age.' I say.

'He does.' Mia says, still speaking in a low tone. ' He thinks I'm ready but i don't think I am just yet.'

'That's fine, if you're not ready then you're not ready. Just know I'm here for you every step if the way.' I say  trying my hardest to lighten the mood.

Mia turns to me with such love in her eyes and a pout on her face. 'Awee thank you so much Alla, you don't know how much that means to me.'

I stop infront of her. She holds out her hands and embraces me. Shivers run down my spine at the sudden contact. Her smell engulfs me making my mind go fuzzy.

She let's go looking just as dazed as I felt. She smiles and I return it, continuing the walk in silence.


It's not a long chapter but I didn't know where it was going. So here haha.

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