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I don't think I've ever had so much fun talking. Usually I hate talking to people. You see, I hate the idea of forcing conversation, forcing myself to care, asking questions I dont want answers to and all that girly stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I do like to talk, people like talking to me but they know me. They know if I don't talk to you, you have to make the conversation or don't make any at all. I'm that type of person.

'So Alla, why do you like art? Why did you take it?' Mia asks while we walk through the long corridors to go to our first lesson, art.

'I'm good at it so why not? I've always liked the subject so I took it.' I reply, not really caring what I say. There's something about her that just makes me want to keep talking and not lie to her. 'Why did you take it?'

She pauses for a few seconds before answering. 'Because I love to paint. It's fun making mess. Oh! And the fact my parents love my art work to.' She smiles innocently, not knowing how much that sentence impacted me emotionally.

'That must be nice. To have your parents love the art you make' I didn't even realise what I had said until she turned to me all confused. 'I.. I mean that they respect what you do.' I start to become flustered. 'We are here.' Nice save there.

We walk in and I take my seat at the back of the class while making room for Mia to sit with me. I called the teacher over and told her about Mia transferring. She made Mia introduce herself in front of the class. I couldn't hold my laughter in and she gave me the finger when the teacher turned her back, some other kids giggled when she did it making the situation funnier. After that the teacher gave her everything she needed which included a sketch book, water paints, acrylic paints, brushes and a set of different pencils,rubber and sharpener.

'Woah, okay this is a lot of stuff.' She says after Miss Carner had let us be.
I hum in response. 'Don't worry though, you're gunna need all this.' I say to her pulling out my equiptment. Next to hers my stuff looked so old and used.

Moments later the teacher starts telling us what to do. She demonstrated by using someone else in the class. It look forever but eventually everyone got the memo of what we are doing.
The assignment for the two hours we had was to make a piece of the person next to us. We could use whatever medium we wished. Me being me chose pencil. Basic bitch, I know.

' Make sure I'm beautiful okay Alla?' Mia joked.

'I'm going to make you look like a elf' I laughed. She made a offended  gesture and fake gasped.

Time skip

After I went through seven rubbers I finally finish my piece. Mia had finished a few minutes earlier and was watching me closely. It was quite intimidating but I slowly, I mean slowly, got used to it.

'You like it Mia?' I ask moving it to her.
There was a long pause before she answered. I really thought she hated it.
'I... I love it!' She jumped up and slammed into me, I assume it was a hug. A death hug. But a hug. I smile.

'CAN I TAKE THIS HOME?!!!!' She yells. People turn to us and laugh at the excited look on Mias face. This is really embarrassing to say the least.

I smile and nod 'I don't see why not. Go ahead.' She squeels like a child and rolls the paper up and placing it into her black studded bag. I want that bag so badly. It's calling my name! I'll have to assk where she got it from soon.

Soon the bell went and I took Mia to our next class of the day.

'I didn't know you could paint so well.' I state while walking into math class. She had drawn me in a forest setting which looked so familiar but I couldn't pin point it.

'You don't know a lot of things, Alla. I didn't know you could draw so well.' She smiles sitting down next to me. Just to let you know, that's my best gay friends seat. He doesn't like anyone sitting there. Pre warning. Things are about to go down and I wanted to watch the show, reason number one why I didn't say anything. 'By the way this is going up on my wall. I absolutely love it!' Mia says still smiling from ear to ear. I really don't know why she's so excited about it, it's just a drawing.

We continued to talk when my friend Jake walked in fuming. Here we go. Show time people.

'Alla, who's this bitch and why is she sitting in my seat?!' Jake fumes. All the hand gestures and all. His right hip to the side and one arm fold over his chest, thumb pointing at Mia.

Mia stands, squaring off to him. Didn't see that one coming. Well shit.

'I beg your pardon.' Mia says all to calmly. The look on Mia's face was scary as hell. It was such a sudden change from her usual calm soft face. Now there was dark shadows that made her look like a Disney villain.

'Why. Are. You sitting. In. My. Seat. Bitch?' Jake spits back not seeming to be affected by Mia at all. Who even is he?! Where did my funny Jake go?

'I'm new here and this lovely young lady is my new friend who happens to be touring me around. So if you could kindly calm your DICK down and let me sit here for the time being that would be great.' Mia looked scary as... I have no words. And neither did Jake as he darted me a glare and sat on the other side of me in a pout.
That did not turn out the way I thought it would...at all. Mental note... don't piss Mia off. Ever.

' Jake?' I tap his shoulder.

' Yes? ' He replies, not looking at me.

' Jake, please don't be in a mood. She's only new, and she's my new friend. I love you Jake.' I say giving him the " I love you please forgive me" look.

'Okay. Only because I love you though.' he smiles and kisses my cheek.

I motion my head towards Mia and give him a look. He rolls his eyes at me but obays my command. I wanted him to apologise to Mia. I need them to be friends. Can't have them fighting now can we?

'Mia?' he calls. She hums in response. 'Would you please forgive my arrogance and impoliteness towards you? I am very sorry for being so mean. I'm a rather jealous person and very possessive. Please forgive me as I'm very sorry.' Yes, there was sarcasm. Just a bit though.

' Let me think about it.' She jokes. However, I was the only one who saw the kidding in her voice.
Jake growled. I jab him in the side.

' Okay okay I forgive you. 'She laughs and I soon join in. Jakes face was a picture when she laughed at him.

Then class started. I hate the class so much! Lord help me.

Edited 16th May 2121

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