Two of Them

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while writing this i reliased i called jason something else i think..... im not sure but hes jason now. also... wtf.... so many people are reading this story and like omg thank you all so much... enjoyyyyyyy

ps sorry for spelling mistakes just ignore them, i will fix them once the story is finished.

Mia was pissed, she was in her beautiful wolf form but her eyes were dark. Darker than I've ever seen them before. Well... from the first and only time I've seen them.

Jason was angry too, but he still hasn't changed. Mia could kill him right now, so why isn't she? And why isn't he putting me down to shift?

At this point I wanted to be put down. I wanted nothing to do with this fight.
Something inside me was feeling strange, bubbling feeling, i don't know what it is but it doesn't feel good. My head started to ache. It feels like my mind is fighting against something or someone else. Is it my wolf? It doesn't feel like her. It is something else.

3rd person pov

Pain surges through Alla's head and Jason lets her go with shock on his face. Something takes over Alla's body, she flips to all fours and when she lands her back arches. Pain took over hold of her face and screams loudly. She was shifting.

Hair started to grow and her face started to mutate into that of a wolf. Her skin started to change colour. Her nails start to grow into pointed claws and change to gold.

Alla fully transforms into her majestic form. Alla in her fully wopf form looks around at all the people tjsy she towers over. people start backing away, fear covering their faces at the beast before them. Alla's eyes shift from the once gold specs to blue shifting orbs, the colour swirles around, the different shades of blue dancing together to create a black hole in a sea. The power they hold possessed drew everyone's attention, they all stare deep into this wolf's eyes. Entranced by their beauty and dominance.

Alla's pov

'Whats going on? What on earths happening?' I call out to the now darkness.

'Another wolf has take over your body. I'm not sure who though, I'm sorry.' My wolf calls out to me.

'Another wolf?! What do you mean "another wolf"' How is that even possible, you can't have more than one wolf!

"You have two of the most powerful wolf spirits in you. This is the other one.' My wolf says to me with the slightest bit of sass and pride. Charming.


I suddenly hear a howl. Some thing changes and I can see a wolf and the other pack members bellow. The wolf was gold and white, such a beauty.

The howl was deffaning and held a certain type of dominance, one I have never heard before. The power emitting from this animal was immense.

After this wolf finished his howl all the other back members shift and continue the howl then bow down at its feet. It becomes silent as the giant wolf looks over the pack of wolves. It looked like he was debating what to do with them all.

It was honestly scary. I was inside that wolf but I was looking down on everything. I can't do anything from here or in there. I don't have any connection or control over this wolf. He could do anything right now and I couldn't stop him. The dominance he emmits scares me, I'm even submitting to him, I wouldn't even dare try and stop him even if I could. He is way too powerful for me.

This wolf is a true born leader. I can feel this much from him. I wonder if he is an alpha.

' I am Jadera, I am the God wolf.' He booms in my head and i asume in the others by their reactions. 'I have been gone for a few hundred years as you all know. There was no powerful host I could possess until 16 years ago when Alla was born. However, she had another powerful wolf inside of her, a rare wolf, Canna, I decided I could share this amazing host as there may not be another for centuries. I command utter respect for this girl and for myself and her mates. Yes, she has two as there are two wolves inside of her. She is now your pack leader but not just your pack, every wolf on this earth as I am am Jadera, God wolf!'

Well then, that answers that.


Some people have some concerns about the mates deal, bare with, just keep on reading okay? This is still a girl x girl book just keep reading haha

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