Chapter 23

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Double Update Thursday!

Hi Everyone!

We're so incredibly sorry for our disappearance over the last so many months. We desperately wanted to make it up to all of you that have stuck by our story in this time by posting a double update today! Make sure to not skip past the last chapter before starting this one!

❤ Katie & Sisi ❤


Nervously drumming your fingers against your knees, you were biting your lip in a fit of anxiety as you waited for the professor to return to her office.

Ji-Hye was fine, the Water Affinity professor had healed as much of her burns as he could, leaving her with faint red marks on her hands. 

You had sat in the waiting room with Yoongi, barely listening to him as he tried over and over to calm you down.

He kept insisting that she was just being dramatic but you couldn't bring yourself to believe him, even in his concern for you, you could tell that he was a little taken aback by the power you had.

And now here you were, waiting for your Fire Affinity professor to come in and commence the emergency meeting she called you in for.

The sound of the door opening behind you filled you with so much sudden fear that you balled your hands into fists, digging your nails sharply into your palms.

"Y/N, dear, how are you feeling?" She started, her tone calm and collected as she rounded the corner to sit at her desk opposite you. "You must be quite shaken up."

You just nodded your head, waiting for the inevitable lecture that was bound to happen.

"I must say... never in my 47 years of life have I ever encountered such immense power. Not only in a beginner, but even my advanced 4th year students can not produce explosions to that magnitude..."

You eyed her as she fiddled with the ballpoint pen on her desk.

"Now, I will preface this by saying you are not in trouble. However, I do believe some precautions must be taken to ensure not just for your classmates, but also for your own safety. I will bring this matter to the principal when she returns from her meeting, but I think you would greatly benefit from only focusing on only one Affinity this term."

You nodded along as she talked, relief washing over you that you weren't getting taken to the High Council for hurting another student with your Affinity.

"As far as today goes, let us use this as a learning lesson. I understand there is some tension between you and Ji-Hye, however you must not let that anger and competitiveness hinder your control. Especially now that we are aware of the strong bond you possess with Fire, you must practice resistance and restraint with upmost importance."

You felt like you might spontaneously start crying at any second, you didn't want to feel like you were a threat or a danger to anyone.

This isn't what it's supposed to feel like.

"With all this being said, I want you to know how eager I am to work with you, and how honored I am to help you along your journey to greatness."

"Thank you, professor." You said softly, your voice trembling slightly.

"Okay my dear, I do believe you have another meeting to get to. I notified your other professors today as to the reason for your absence. Not to mention, your very patient boyfriend has been waiting outside for you. You are free to go."

You stood abruptly, bowing to her before rushing out the door and nearly running smack into Yoongi.

"Whoa there!" He said with surprise, a gummy smile adorning his face at your presence.

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