Chapter 6

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Lunch could not have come soon enough! Astronomy and Astrophysics class was great and all, but that class was so simple that it almost put you to sleep.

Now you were sitting with Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung at the lunch table, picking at the plate of fries you had gotten from the cafeteria. Fidgeting in your spot, you were desperately trying to avoid joining the conversation topic Jungkook had brought up about affinities again.

That was until you felt a nudge on your shoulder.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Jungkook said, waving his hand in your face teasingly.

"Huh? What?" you asked, looking around and trying to play dumb.

"You were going to tell me something earlier about your parents right? What was it?" he asked, waiting for a response.

You looked up to see that both Jimin and Taehyung were staring at you, obviously curious to know the answer as well.

You cursed Jungkook in your head. Obviously he didn't know it was a secret but you really wished he had asked you when you weren't going to be overheard.

"Ah, nevermind! It's really not important. Don't worry about it!" you squeaked, waving your hand as if you were physically trying to brush away the topic.

"Oh come on, pretty please! I wanna know more about my best bunk bud!" he whined, bouncing up and down as if he was waiting for a treat.

"Yeah come on Y/N! You've got us all too interested now!" Jimin said, tilting his head and smiling at you, making your heart flutter.

You sighed in defeat.

"Well..." you started, seeing no way out of this, "my parents are kind of special."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at you.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, curiosity clear on his face.

"Can you guys promise this will go no further than this table?" you looked around to meet their gazes, sighing as you watched each of them nod at you in agreeance.

You took a deep breath, readying yourself for the reactions you were about to get.

"Well, you see.. my parents have two affinities." you said, trying to get the words out as quickly as possible.

"Isn't that normal?" Jimin paused.

"Wait..WHAT!?" Jungkook yelled, making you jump and causing you to smack your hand over his mouth.

A few people at the table next to you turned to look, but promptly went back to their lunches.

"Jesus Kookie, keep your voice down!" you glared at him, slowly releasing your hand from his face.

You looked over to Jimin who just looked confused, and then over to Tae, who's eyes looked like they were about to burst out of his head.

"What do you mean parents? You mean your parents don't have the same affinities?" Jimin questioned again.

"Seriously?" Taehyung craned his head to look at Jimin. "No, I think she means something else..." He continued, face unchanging from the shocked expression he was wearing before.

"Wait, then...." Jimin pondered some more.

"OMG Hyung! you're not just lacking in height, are you!"Jungkook whisper-yelled. "She means both her parents have two affinities!"

The table fell silent for a few seconds, all three boys gawking at you with their mouths hung open.

"Is it true?"

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