Chapter 5

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I can't stand this...

You had been tossing and turning all night, unable to catch a wink of sleep. 

Yoongi, the burn, and the guilt in his eyes at Jungkook's words.

You pulled out your phone from under your pillow to check the time.

4:30 am

Sighing heavily, there was no point in trying to sleep now. You might as well go and watch some TV in the common room until it was time to get ready for classes.

You swung your legs off the side of your bunk, silently climbing down the ladder and tip toeing in the direction of the door. You slowly turned the handle, slipping out and shutting it behind you as quietly as possible.

The common room was pitch black, the only source of light being the red power button on the TV.

You walked quietly in the direction of where the sofa should be, sticking your hands out in front of you to feel around for it.

You grabbed a hold of what you assumed was the back of the sofa, and followed it around to the front. When the coast seemed clear you went to dive onto it, ready to enjoy the next hour of junk reality TV, but came down on top of something hard and lumpy.

"WHAT THE F-" an anger filled voice came from below you.

You scrambled off the person you had landed on, stumbling back and tripping over the coffee table to land on the floor.

"Y/N?" the voice whispered at you.

"Yoongi?" you replied, recognizing the voice suddenly.

"What are you doing awake at this time of the night?" he asked, whisper-yelling at you.

You started to feel around on the floor to find the couch again, "I couldn't sleep, what are you doing awake at this time of night?"

You heard him sigh in the dark, "I couldn't sleep either."

You crawled your way to the sofa, reaching out to nudge Yoongi with your bandaged hand, signaling him to scoot over.

He complied, allowing you to take a seat next to him.

"So, why can't you sleep?" you asked tiredly, rubbing your eyes.

"A lot on my mind...." he started, as you heard him shift in his place on the sofa, "U-um your hand... does it hurt? How ba-"

"I'm fine" you replied quickly "It doesn't even really hurt anymore." 

You realized your voice had come out less than convincing, but hoped Yoongi took the bait.

"Y/N I need to apologize for yesterday, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm so sorry," he said, his words overflowing with guilt. 

"I don't even know how it happened, I always have control over my affinity. After you ran away from me I felt so guilty, I keep replaying it in my mind.. over and over..." he continued, his voice now cracking with emotion.

"Yoongi, its okay..." you started, reaching out in his direction, not being able to see in the dark, but wanting desperately to comfort him.

He must feel so bad after what Jungkook said in the kitchen, you thought to yourself.

Your hand grazed against him, and he recoiled away from you.

"Please, don't touch me" he pleaded, "I don't want to hurt you."

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