Chapter 10

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Your undivided attention was still fixed on Jimin, trying to decipher what was just about to happen, had you not been interrupted. Suddenly a hand appeared, waving vigorously in front of your face shaking you out of your daydream.

You felt a blush creep across your face as your eyes shifted onto Jungkook, who was grinning before the two of you. You nervously smiled back, internally praying that he didn't see anything.

"(Y/N)! I was looking everywhere for you! I was starting to get lonely!" The boy pouted as he pushed Jimin over, forcing himself into the small gap between the two of you.

"S-sorry Kookie!" You lied, trying to contain your embarrassed expression as much as possible. "I-I bumpted into J-Jimin and we were j-just about to come and find you.." You stuttered, glimpsing over to Jimin who was awkwardly nodding in agreement to your statement.

"It's okay! I forgive you!" Jungkook gleamed, swinging his arms around both you and Jimin, pulling your faces in close together. Feeling your face heat up once more by the sudden closeness to Jimin's face again, you caught sight of his rosy cheeks.

I guess I'm not the only one here that's dying inside huh..

Eventually releasing his grip from the two of you, Jungkook chuckled, "You guys must have been super lonely without me too!"

Dammit Kookie!

Jungkook couldn't have been more far from the truth, but it was impossible for you to stay mad at him with a face like that.

Jungkook couldn't have been more far from the truth, but it was impossible for you to stay mad at him with a face like that

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"So what did I miss out on?" Jungkook bounced up and down, looking at each of you like an excited puppy wanting attention.

"Ah-Nothing interesting, we were only talking about our last class," Jimin answered with a serious tone, combing his hand through his hair.

Nothing interesting?

Those words cut through you sharply, as you silently nodded back. You were certain that Jimin didn't actually mean those words, but nonetheless you didn't like hearing them.

"Sounds boring!" Jungkook teased as he swung his head over to look at you. "(Y/N)? Why is your face wet?"

"Oh-I-uhhh..." Fumbling for your words, you were quickly reminded of getting soaked in the water, and getting lost in Jimin's eyes as he tried to dry you off. "It was an accident. A c-couple of third years were practicing and I got in the way...."

Pulling out a handkerchief and throwing it over your face, Jungkook shook his head saying "What would you do without your best bunk bud to save you, huh?" If it weren't for the handkerchief covering your eyes, you might have caught a glimpse of Jimin's head dropping from Jungkook's words.

You pulled the handkerchief off your face and began drying the parts of your face and hair that Jimin missed earlier, when Jungkook snatched it out of your hands. "Here, let me do it!" He huffed. "Since Jimin wasn't going to help you, I will!"

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