Chapter 3

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You awoke the next morning to the sound of shouting coming from somewhere in the dorm.

You groaned and pulled your blankets up and over your head, trying to block out the sound.

The journey and drama that unfolded yesterday exhausted you and all you wanted to do was go back to sleep.

"I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN WHILE I'M COOKING YOONGI!!!" Came Jin's voice, making its way through your protective covers, ensuring you that there was no possibility of sleep now.

You sat up in bed, squinting your eyes in the direction of the door to where the yelling was coming from, listening carefully to the exchange.


Jin's voice was getting louder with every word and you started to fear for Yoongi's life.

You swung your legs off the side of the bunk, climbing down and jogging to the door. You opened it quickly and started walking towards the yelling.

You came out into the common area and spotted the two boys in question staring at each other angrily in the kitchen.

"You deserved it," Yoongi growled, "Coming in and out of the bedroom and being obscenely loud all morning."

"I NEEDED MY SPATULA!" Jin yelled, throwing his hands up in defeat.

"Why the hell would your spatula be in the bedroom?!" Yoongi asked, voice still filled with anger and annoyance.

You were frozen in place, staring into the kitchen from the common room.

Jin walked over to the stove and picked up a pan with what seemed like a black burnt-to-a-crisp souffle inside, holding it out to Yoongi.

"MY SOUFFLE!!!" he screamed, eyes looking crazy.

You slapped your hand over your mouth to muffle the laughter threatening to escape your lips.

How does he even know how to make a damn souffle?

Just then Namjoon came out of the room to the right of the kitchen, sleepily rubbing at his eyes and yawning.

He stalked over to the kitchen where Jin and Yoongi were in a stare-off, grabbing the souffle out of Jin's hands to examine it.

He turned his gaze to Yoongi disapprovingly.

"Did you burn Jin's souffle again?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.


Yoongi didn't reply, he just stood there, crossing his arms in a huff like a stubborn child.

"You were given the gift of having one of the strongest fire affinities in the school and you use it to burn breakfast food? Seriously Yoongi?" Namjoon asked incredulously, setting the burnt souffle into the sink and stretching his hand out to motion in your direction.

"You've traumatized Y/N on her first day, smarten up." he finished, and with that he stalked back in the direction he came from, muttering a quick sorry at you before disappearing into the bedroom.

Somehow Yoongi having the affinity for fire doesn't come as a shock, you thought to yourself, slightly amused.

You shifted uncomfortably on your feet before walking towards the kitchen, shuffling in-between an un-moving Yoongi and Jin.

Yoongi scoffed and walked back to his room, shutting the door behind him, leaving you and Jin in the kitchen.

Trying to your awkwardness, you opened up the fridge to see if you could find any food to sate your growling stomach, the theatrics of this early morning making you wide awake.

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