Chapter 13

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Apologies for the extra long chapter (almost 4000 words)! We have lots of ground to cover before the Element Ceremony!
As always, remember to leave us lots of comments, we love talking to you beautiful people!!!

♥︎Katie and Sisi♥︎


You wandered out into the living room the next morning, rubbing your eyes sleepily.

Somethings wrong here... you thought to yourself as you looked around the room.

The usual smell of gourmet breakfast was missing this morning.

You walked over to the kitchen, surprised to find it dark and empty.

"Good morning Y/N!" Hoseok's sing-song voice came from behind you.

"Morning Hobi!" you replied, smiling at him.

He skipped past you towards the coffee machine, flipping it on and grabbing cups out of the cupboard.

"Want one?" he asked, peering back at you with a smile.

You nodded your head slowly at him, still trying to wake yourself up.

"Please" you said, looking back to peer around the empty common room, "Um, where's Jin? He's usually up by now making breakfast."

Hobi sighed as he glided over to the fridge to get the milk.

"He got really sick last night after everyone went to bed, so I convinced him to take today off and just sleep" he said.

"Aww poor Jin" you pouted, starting to walk over to his room, "Do you think it would be okay if I went in and checked on him?"

"Go ahead! The rest of the boys are already dressed anyways."

You walked over to the Third Year boy's room, turning the handle as you heard a loud crash.

Bursting in you froze in the doorway at the scene playing out before you.

"THERE'S. TOO. MUCH. SALT!" Jin yelled, waving his spatula in Yoongi's direction.

He was sitting up in bed with a bowl of soup in his lap, his face was pale and colorless and his hair completely disheveled.

The 'mother' of the dorm was definitely sick.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at him dangerously.

"Why you ungrateful little sh-"

"How am I suppose to recover when you're feeding me soup that's 70% sodium!?!?" Jin screamed, cutting the boy off.

"You're lucky I made you anything at all!" the fire boy piped back, stomping over to pick up the spatula and a pillow that Jin must have thrown at him.

You giggled, covering your mouth with your hand, unable to hold back any longer.

"Wow Jin, you're going to be a real handful when you finally get a girlfriend" you teased, still laughing at the boys in front of you.

Jin's crazy eyes were immediately replaced with a smolder, his lips turning up to a smirk.

"Any lady would be lucky to end up with me, Mr. Worldwide Handsome"

Even in his most sickly and ugly state, this boy still has the power to make any girl go weak in the knees.

He leaned onto his elbow, blowing a kiss at you.

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