Chapter 2

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Here goes nothing...

Taking one last deep breath, you prepared for whatever might follow, before turning the door handle.


I hope they like me.

I hope that we can at least get along.

Gently closing the door behind you, you shuffled inside the room, instantly noticing all of the lights were turned off and the room seemingly empty of people.

Thank god.

You sighed in relief that you managed to dodge such an awkward encounter of having to face all of your new roommates at once, well aware that it will need to be done eventually. 


Social anxiety really did get the better of me this time.

As you flicked the light switch on to the side of the door, a surprisingly large and square common room was revealed. 

In the center of the room stood a TV with 3 couches, a fireplace, dining table and a bookcase, but was otherwise bare of furniture for its size. 

As you took your time to admire the paintings decorating the walls, you noticed a kitchen that was partially visible from the common room, with 3 closed black doors on the remaining walls. 

Walking over to the opposite side of the room first, you curiously peaked your head through the door, to find a communal bathroom area with doors leading off to separated showers and toilets. 

"Wow. How many girls will I be sharing this space with? I hope they all know how to clean up after themselves..." you muttered to yourself while closing the door again.

Making your way over to the next door to the right of the common room, you slowly opened it and peered inside. 

It was a cozy looking bedroom with 2 sets of wooden bunk beds placed either side of the room and a small seating area below the large double windows at the far side of the room. 

Looking up, you noticed the roof of the bedroom giving off a perfect illusion of a night sky, with stars twinkling and illuminating the room so beautifully that you might even mistake it for the rest thing.  


Closing the door again, and leaving that room behind, you made your way over to the last door. You poked your head in and saw an identical-looking bedroom with 2 wooden bunk beds. The room was lit up with an illusion of the Northern Lights slowly changing pattern and color on the roof. It was absolutely breathtaking. You stood there for a few minutes wondering how it was able to give off that effect, before being distracted by a moving lump on the bottom bunk of one of the beds. You sheepishly walked up to the lump to examine it better, before a boy's head shot up and met your eyes in a panic.


You both screamed in unison.

He jumped out of the bed and ran hastily into the common room with you following not too far behind. 

He spun around with fear spread across his face and an outstretched his arm holding a w-

"Is... is that a wand?" You giggled at him confusingly. Real witches and wizards don't use wands. That's just some Harry Potter nonsense..

At this stage, you could understand that he was trying his best to look threatening, but was pathetically failing.

He looked at his hand, shaking and returned his wand to his make-shift wand holster attached to his belt. "Who are you!?" He sheepishly demanded.

Affinity for your Heart - BTS x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum