#7: Guru

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"Moti!" She said it out, her eyes twinkling in delight. I just shook my head in disbelief. I hold her through her shoulder, forcing her to look at me away from the chocolaty bar. I wiped her face with the tissue in my hand while she was staring at me with her innocent eyes. 

"Now give me that chocolate." I extended my hand for it, or I knew she would again spoil her face and clothes with it. I tried to wipe it off from her clothes but still stain left behind. She nodded negatively, hugging the chocolate to her chest. 

"You will eat it," the way she spoke it out made me to just admire her cuteness. 

I nodded negatively, in a baby voice. "I won't," that made her stare at me. With a pouty face, she handed me the chocolate. 

I took the chocolate and kept in the glove box of the car. "I am hungry," she cried out, rubbing her tummy. 

"We will have something," with that I moved out of the car. I made my way towards her side, opened the passenger door. She was staring at me in confusion, I bent towards her, unfastened her seat belt. "Come," standing aside to help her move out. 

She moved out, and closing the door behind her, I locked the car. I turned to look at her. She was gazing at the building with utter astonishment. The lavish building in front of her made her stare at it with wide eyes. I chuckled seeing it; she was a kid, and I was loving her this cuteness. 

"Shall we move," I asked, smiling at her. She nodded vigorously been excited. 

We made our way inside; the interior was eye rewarding. The wooden slats created a three-dimensional pattern on the ceilings. The herringbone design of the marble floor complimented it. The smaller detail like the wooden fluting, the beveled edges of the mirror, rounded corners, the strips of the fabric and the blue and gold accents, created a surrounding of late nineties. 

Been an interior designer, impressed me.  I made my way inside, holding Sana's hand. People around us were staring at us. Or to be more specific, they were staring at our clothes. It had some patches of blood and a stain of chocolate in Sana's cloth. Not an ideal dress to enter a five-star restaurant. I hated those stares; that inferior stare, but she was unaware of it. She was busy admiring the interior, not at all getting affected by people in her surrounding. 

I halt in front of a table and that was the first time she glanced at me. I eyed towards the chair, holding her shoulder made her sit. She sat down like an obedient child. She started playing with the cloth on the table. 

"Sana I will just come, you don't move from here," I commanded her. She was busy playing with the cloth. That triggered me. I hold her wrist. That made her scowl at me. "Are you listening to me, moti?" I demanded an answer. 

She just glared at me, nodding slowly. "Don't you dare to move," I warned her, making my way towards the washroom. Repeatedly turning and glancing back at her, I had unknowingly turned protective of her. 


The moment I came out of the washroom, I heard some grumbling sounds. As my sight went on the table where I left Sana. I found some people gathered around there. One of them was in a black suit and pants. His posture seemed like he was the manager of the restaurant, a black shoe, neatly combed hair.  A youthful man, beside him, stood a person who seemed young. Wore a white shirt below a black pant. A bow collar shirt had a tray in his hand; he might be a waiter.

I made my way towards them, I couldn't find Sana from so far. It bothered me. As I was distant when I found her sitting on the chair; she had not moved. I signed in relief, but she was hugging her knees, her face hidden. The waiter was grumbling something to the manager. 

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