Chapter 25

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Four. Four guys. Hot guys.

They all stare back at me. I don't know if it the tube shit or at least in their minds, I 'hot'. My gaze directs toward josh, who is standing in front with a derpy smile plastered on his face. I glare at him.

"Heeellooo jennifer" he says, like four hot guys are not behind him.

"Hey," I hesitate. "Can I speak to you josh?"

"Sure!" He replies-well squeals while intertwining his hands together in front of him.

"In private?" His head drops followed by the smile before walking past me to the side. I guess this is considered 'private'. He starts right away.

"Look jennifer I know they look like players and jerks and shitty people but they are actua-"

"Josh, Josh calm down." I say smiling and rubs his shoulders. I do my most convincing tone for the next statement.

"I pulled you over to ask where you came from" he raises his eyebrows.

"Why do you-"

"Josh! Do you realize your friends look like fucking sex gods?!" I screech, but still whispering. He looks back to the door way where they are probably talking player talk about me.

"That's because they are" my jaw drops and my eyes grow wide. My hand also lets go if the tank, making the impact echo through the hall. "I'm kidding, God jen" he says laughing. "Here, lets me introduce them to you." He walks me back over to them. My hand grips his arm.

"Ok. guys, this is my friend, miss jennifer lawrence. Jennifer, this is bryan, parker, hayden, and Luke." He informs me, pointing at each. I smile slightly and nod my head.

"That's a nice girl you got there, hutch." Luke, I think says. I blush and look at josh, trying to tell him how uncomfortable this feels. He gives a little nod.

"Aha, lets uh, get going." He says. "Where Sam?"

"I'm right here!" I hear from the room. It's followed by a smiling Sam jogging in with a hop in his step. "Ok. So jen, we packed everything in the car already to help you out. Who's driving who?"

"I'll drive the lady" Bryan calls.

"I...uh-was actually thinking of going with Sam..." I stutter. Josh knows I don't mean it like I don't want to go with him, but I don't want to be crawled over by these sex gods-I mean guys.

I give Josh a sympathetic look before taking Sams hand and starting toward the car.


The car ride is silent. We don't have much to talk about, anyways. But Sam still speaks up.
"Are you going to the party tonight?"

"What party?"

"You know, paige sprinter's party. You were certainly invited."

"I don't think I got an email or anything, but let me check." sure enough, paige asked me on facebook, but I haven't been on it in awhile.
"We're here." He announces. I look out the car window and see a very crowded field. A car pulls up next to us and Josh smiles at me. I smile back.

I open the car door a step out, along with pulling my tank out too. I think I'm gonna name it, like hazel. How about Little Fuck? That will do. Hashtag-The Fault In Our Stars! How romantic.

Josh walks up to me and whispers in my ear. "Thank god that's over; they made me jealous with those compliments." He smirks while I turn to face him wide eyed. After taking hold of my hand, we start off to find a spot.

Unexpected Love//joshiferWhere stories live. Discover now