Chapter 7: if you dont swim youll drown

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He takes a tight hold of my wrist, and dives into the water, dragging me behind him. I take a quick breath before my body collides, and soon enough I'm under water.

I open my eyes to see josh with his eyes still closed. I grab his hands and pull him up, unsure of what he was doing.

"Josh, are you okay? You looked a little-" he starts to gag. " oh my god! Josh?!" I say worriedly. Once I bring him to the sit in, I pat his back so much that it it's not very gentle, but to get air back in him.

Eventually, he coughs up the water that apparently stopped air getting into his lungs. Almost right away, I wrap my arms tightly around his torso.

" oh my god josh! Oh my gosh!" I cry. His arm comes around me.

" don't worry, I just swallowed some water," he says, trying to make me feel better.

" don't forget the fact that you couldn't breathe!"

" Jen, I'm fine. Let's go swim."

"Okay...but don't swallow anymore."

By the time I finish saying that, he is already on the diving board.

"No problem." He answers before diving. I have to admit, I was pretty impressed. He's swimming towards the bottom, so I decide I'll go and meet him. My head ducks under the surface, and I start to swim towards josh. When I reach him, I'm surprised that he didn't come back up yet. I guess he can hold his breath for awhile. Once I reach where he is, I find he's trying to fix something. I tap his shoulder, and he squirms (this is fun to think of under water😂) like he touched gum under a table. Bubbles come out my mouth because I'm laughing. he swims up and I follow behind him. As soon as I reach oxygen, the air fills with laughter. He's already holding on to the edge of the pool for some assistance on floating.

"Your a jerk sometimes Jen, you know that?"

" josh, you should have seen your self!" I laugh.

" well I was trying to help you so your pool doesn't brake, but it looks like I'll get yelled at instead." I'm so confused. So I just ask.

" what were you fixing?"

" the drain thing at the bottom. It was loose." Well of course it was at the bottom dumb ass.

" oh". And with that, we start to swim until my mom comes out with lemonade. We immediately get out and get our towels.

" I think I should be going soon..." Josh says after awhile. Why?


" well were having dinner with you tonight so I need to get ready." I look at the clock on the radio. It quarter after three.

" it takes you three hours to get ready for a causal dinner?" They will come over at 6.

" well right now, it's really two hours and 45 minutes." He say smirking. "And yes, yes it does. I need to take a shower,too." He's says that in a snotty tone.

" ok princess, you can get going at 3:30. That way you can have a nice fancy bubble bath, get yourself pretty, and play some pretty princess video games" I reply taking a sip of my lemonade.

" thank you," he says, making the 'you' alittle high pitched.

We talk about surfing and such until it's 3:30. I give him a friendly hug before I watch him go down steps of my deck and up his. I guess he realizes I'm still watching him because he looks back and smiles. I smile back but not as much as him.

I step into my house and to my room. I plop on my my bed.

Maybe this dinner might not be as interesting as I thought


Ok this chapter took awhile to right for some reason. But I hope you liked it! Also, I'm thinking of writing another story but not fan fic. Don't worry, I won't stop writing this one! Leave comments and feed back!

Unexpected Love//joshiferWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt