Chapter 12:every kiss begins with tears

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I shake my head.

" it was two years ago." I'm already confused. Where has he been for two years? "There was a flash flood, and it filled up my whole base ment. I was unaware, so I opened the door only so the ground broke under me. I started darting to the couch, the floor slowly tilting because it's been lifted off with water. Before I knew I, I was floating on the coffee table trying to call for my mom who was out of town. My whole family was, accturally. I eventually got to the door but had to jump, and twisted my ankle In the process. Then I just started to run. I don't know where I was going until I got to the police station. They called my mom and told her what happened before taking a look at my ankle. It was fine, by the way. My mom and brother came home right away, but my father never was found. We moved to a Safety home for about a year, until it caught fire and we had to run into the forest, losing my stuff, once again. Next we moved into boarding homes, which were torturous. At mine, there was a two year old that never stopped crying, and a bitchy teenager that was so self centered I couldn't be around her. After seven months, my family was reunited. My father was still not found, and he's probably dead. But my mom got enough money for an apartment. So we moved there before Connor started working nonstop and we afforded the house here. But after I saw that. After I saw you almost fall in, it brought back to many memories. I couldn't stay there any longer." I'm so over whelmed. He Is trying to hold in his sobs, I can see it. How can he go through that? How is he still happy, and so alive? Tears stream down my face. I practically jump on josh.

"It's okay to cry, it's only me. I won't make fun of you, I promise." I tell him. I bury my face into his neck as he breaks out. I've never seen josh so upset. He starts to shake. His arms tremble as he holds me tighter. I respond by swaying us back and forth. My head moves so it's in the crook of his neck. I press my lips on it. Our body's are glued together, so it looks like there's one. We sit there for ever. Each time he sobs, he holds me tighter. I can barely breathe at one point but he needs it.

"And that's why you kept glancing back. It brought back memories.." He nods his head before sniffing. I pull us apart and put my hands on his shoulders. He looks away.

"Josh, look at me. Please." He ignores me. I grasp his chin and try not to hurt him while forcing his head to face me.

"Josh look at me" I repeat. "You are going to be okay. Here is safe. I will never let anything like that happen to you again. And if it does, I will be right by your side, even if I'm life threatened to let go. I promise, with all my heart. And I will never brake it." I say, at the edge of crying. My jaw trembles and tears threaten to slip over.

"Jen don't cry. Please. Not over me. I'm not worth it." A tear slips out while I shake me head. Then I kiss him. It's so slobbery because of tears, but all my feelings and thoughts shatter for the one second we are connected. Our foreheads touch.

"Don't ever say that josh. you are worth everthing. I don't know why God sent you to me, but it looks like he did. You deserve so much, so much more than any of this."

"Stop, please s-stop" he says as he starts to sob silently, which tends to him shaking.

"No, I will not. You deserve so much, it'll have to start now so it can finish before the end. I started it,now it's up to the future to finish it."

"Stop no stop" He says, but he's so out of breath it only comes out as barely a whisper.

"Josh it's been a long day. I'll get the bathroom ready and you can take a shower. Then you can go to bed, and the day will be over, and it'll never return. It'll all be in the past. Okay?[a/n: okay. (Sorry I had to)]"

I get up and go to the bathroom. After getting towels, I grab all the sharp things in the room, just in case.

" okay, it ready. " I say, ruffling his hair as I pass. He walks into the bathroom as I pull up the covers I'm sleeping with him tonight. He needs it.


aAHHHHHH !!!!!! They kissed! I had a writers block throughout this chapter because I didn't know how to end it. But writing at 11pm helps! you can get really deep when writing at night, as you can see.

So Season 4 on ouat was tonight! it was AMAZING!!! I'm still Fangirling over captian swan..."be patient" AHHHHHHHHH I ship an army with them! I was going to write a fanfic about them, but it's hard because you will never know what happens, and they already have chemistry, so I have no idea where to start.

Unexpected Love//joshiferWhere stories live. Discover now