Chapter 3: sometimes water guns arent fun

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"cool" is all i manage to say. after a couple sips of water, i decide to go back out.

"mom, im gonna go back out,' i say.

"ok sweetie, just be back before 6. we are having dinner with the hutchersons tonight." she replies. that will be interesting. i wave goodbye to mrs. hutcherson and my mom and go outside to grab my board. this time i wear some flip flops. as i walk down the beach, i noticejosh is surfing. i kick off my flip flops and run into the water. i try to ignore him as much as possible, but i think he realizes it.

im in the middle of surfing the wave when someone yells "so you decided to come back out?" i turn around to see josh standing about ten feet from my board. but, i lose balance and fall off.

when i come up, i almost replie imediatly once i see him smiling. "i was just getting a drink, but your moms visit delayed it." i start to get back on my board to go back out, but hes still looking at me. "well?" i say "arent you gonna get back on?" he laughs and turns around to start eading to his board.

i surf a couple waves withoutgetting distracted. but then, josh starts to scream, "JEN! THERES A SHARK!" i know the drill. first, you dive in then swim as far away as possible from it. sharks think the surf board is a seal. i swim to josh,gra his wrist, and start towards the shore.

"jen!" he says. i ignore him. "Jen!" he practically screams. "jen! i was kiding!" josh laughs.

"josh!" i turn around and say."do you know how dangerous these waters are?! go out a couple hundred of feet and youll be face to face with one!" his smile disappears.

"i-im sorry" he starts. "but i cant take you seriousy with seaweed on your head!" he brakes out laughing. i smile, reaching to grab it. "no, i got it" he says reaching up. i stiffen at his touch, but i relax when i relize hes just trying to help. i smile at him when he takes it off.for no aperant reason, we both just start to laugh. i slip, probably on a rock, but he catches me by grabbing my forearms, and i grab onto his as i straighten up.

we lock eyes, and i realize how beautiful they are. a deep sea blue that lead into green when it get closer to the pupil.

i snap out of it when a cold sentation hits my back. i turn around to see an older version of josh with a water gun.

"sorry to brake the moment" older josh says "but i kinda got bored watching you two stare at eachother." i feel my face redden. i turn back to josh. "thats my older brother, connor." he says. then he mouthes something. run. i smile and take off to my house with josh.

chapter 3! hope you enjoyed it! please excuse the errors, my computer works like crap. bbut dont forget to vote, follow and comment! id love to hear feed back! if you are very nice, you can give me a shoutout on instagram and tag @mockingjoshiferjay! i would love to have ten veiws by morning? thanks! love you guys!

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