Chapter 29

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At that moment, the moment I jokingly hate him for misunderstanding what Captain Swan, or shipping in general is, is also the same moment I realize something. Something that I should've realized much earlier than now. I am dating-I think-my neighbor that I've known for a month. After all these years of making fun of Disney princesses for marrying a dude they met four days ago, I am becoming one myself.

Sure, sure. I know every girls' dream is to be a Disney princess...after all, 'A dream is a wish your heart makes...' But they do not understand the fact that True Love comes within that package,and rather quickly.

Now, when I'm supposed to be screaming with joy because Emma and Killian have finally kissed, I am distracted within trying to decipher wheather or not this relationship between josh and I is alittle too rushed to enjoy the friendship before hand. In most romance movies I've seen, the first hour or so is focused on the hatred yet deep passion they feel within one another, but just don't realize that feeling inside until the last five minutes of the film. Even though all of them are cliche Hollywood stories made for money, it gives many tips for love lives. like, maybe, just get with the guy and stop going out with others.

But there is the problem; all of them have been friends before hand. So it helps me in no way at all.

Maybe instead of focusing on Josh, I should realize that maybe Sam or Liam are interested as well. Sure, Liam's a bitch, but a hot bitch. Sam is more cute...i need to stop.

"Jen?" I snap out of my trance.


"Can you please explain what shipping is?" I groan. He's not going to get it, or, ship peanut butter with jelly. Boys never take this seriously unless they choose to.

"Okay, when you think two people should be together, you take their names and combine them."

"Oh. Ok." We go back to watching the rest of the episode. I can feel the tension between us; he wants do something like kissing or whatever. I suddenly don't want to kiss him for a very long time. He's supposed to be my friend, my neighbor. But here we are, acting like we've dated for years.

Josh can sense something's off. I feel his eyes glancing toward me but yet his head stays still. And when the dreaded moment where to episode ends and a screen of black dims the room, he decides to speak up.

"What's up with you?" I snap my head toward his, alittle shaken by his outburst.

"What do you mean? I'm fine.." I don't want to lie to him, but my newly found feelings about Josh would brake his heart. These feelings tell me to not love him, atleast not right now. Why can't I love Sam, or Liam and make this simple? All three are attractive in looks and personalities, so what would be difference? I know two of them like me anyway (it's not hard to see). I kind of have the pick of the liter.

But I also don't want to hurt any ones feelings. Liam...i don't even know what to do with him. I want to be friends, but we haven't seen each other in weeks, and the last time he was a jerk. But again, he might've just taken it a little sudden. I know I would. We've been friends since kindergarten, and after all those year,i would be pretty annoyed if some one came and blocked the whole thing up anyway.

I love all of them, but I can't be with all of them.

"It doesn't look-or feel- like it." I send a apologetic look in his way, wanting to tell him what's on my mind. But I can't do that. Right now, at least. To tell someone that after weeks of kissing and acting like newly weds, I'm going to reject my feelings for him? It needs to be the right moment in order for that.
Very short chapter for the time forms to write it. But, I need to get a point across.

I started this story last August, A.K.A. The suer going into seventh grade. If you look back on the beginning of this story, you will realize it was actually horrible, no plot, no grammar, I just wanted to start fanfiction. That did not help me to this day.

Because of my mistake nine months ago, I have no idea where this story is going. I just write whatever I feel sounds good, and you probably already realized that. I'm not sure what to do with this story, in which it has no point. I'm going to try and wrap it up next chapter so it's complete and can go under extreme editing. Maybe there will be a sequel, I don't know, but it won't start for awhile. I'm going to start a new story soon, once this one is over. I'm sorry guys, I really don't know what to do.

Unexpected Love//joshiferWhere stories live. Discover now