Chapter 27

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The music is blasting in our ears as half-naked boys scurry around. Again, I get weird looks. Josh keeps tightening his hold on my hand as we walk to the kitchen, where the drinks are.

My mother told me not to get drunk, but having a couple drinks is good. So, I decided to stick with only one bottle tonight.

Sam has already disappeared somewhere, probably finding another route for the kitchen. Besides, he is always the designated driver, so he's probably ready to get drunk.

When we reach the kitchen, I spot Paige in the corner surrounded by a group of people all in which holding a solo cup. I steer josh to them, ready to introduce him to the group.

"Jennifer?" Paige calls as she looks up. "Hey! I didn't expect you to come!"

"Really Paige? you think I would miss one of your parties?" I would, actually. It's the thought that counts, I guess. She dramatically laughs, and I know she's already alittle tipsy. She then awkwardly grins at me, before turning her attention to josh.

"Who's this?"

"Oh, this is josh. He's starting school with us in September." She gives me the look that I know of being 'is he your boyfriend' and I automatically refuse. Bad decision.

"Well! I'm very pleased to meet you, josh! how about a drink? Oo, or do you want to dance? let's go dance!" she grabs his arm and starts pulling him to the living room. In amusement, I watch with a cheeky grin. When he sends daggers for help, I give a little wave in return.

Ah, freedom. I'm never by myself when it comes to parties. Now, lets have a drink.

When I open the cooler for a beer, I'm actually greeted with a hard decision. Creme soda. My weakness.

I'd give anything up for it. Where ever creme soda is available, ill have it. I'm just about to turn it down for beer. But then, I see the label. Vanilla flavored. Fuck my reputation, I'm going for the creme.

It's in a bottle anyway. What's the difference? Well, besides the actual drink. When the police come, ill be the one girl watching everyone be sent to jail.

I pop the cap before turning around. My body collides with another, bringing a sting to my chest.

"Being good girl, are we?" ah, should've know they would turn up some time.

"Hello, Hayden. Where you've been?" I ask, slightly annoyed of the interruption of my night.

"Well, you know. Being as handsome as me, you need to expect to sleep at other houses besides your designated one." I could agree on that. but attitude is not my thing.

"Great to hear you've given others company. But, sorry to break it to you, I have much of my own at the moment and certainly do not need your help adding to it."

"Looks like someone needs a nap."

"Looks like someone should move before another someone knees their dick"


It's been an hour of no contact with Sam or josh. So, I've been talking to random people and sitting in the sand I've missed. As I walk down to the waves, I hear padding of feet behind me.

I've been off the tube thingy for a good fifth-teen minutes and feel alright, so I've placed it beside the deck.

The padding gets slower, and soon I sense presence of a body beside me. Based on the scent of cologne I know it's josh.

"When Sam said girls all are looking for boyfriends, he was not kidding. Geez, Jen. Those are some hella energetic friends you have." He states. I silently laugh. "Did you have any alcohol yet?" he asks. I shake my head and hold up the creme soda. I guess he takes it as an invitation to drink out of it, because josh takes the bottle and gulps a good half of what's left.

"I haven't seen Sam either," I say, taking the soda. We are at the shore line now, so I walk into the small waves so the water is at my ankle.

"I guess the rule, 'maximum of five bottles' will be broken tonight," josh jokes. I look out into the water. I haven't been in it for a good two weeks. And of course, today isn't the day to break that gap.

"I miss the ocean," I admit. Josh takes his gaze off the ocean to look at me. I do the same. "Like, I know that I can't really breathe right now but it would be nice to surf again."

"You will be able to, soon enough. Don't worry, I miss it too." I stare at him for a long time, before speaking.

"I think how we met was very clique." he smiles.

"And I think this is going to be very clique too," he says. I don't have time to think of what he's talking about, because his lips collide with mine.

It starts out passionate, until I start to process what's happening. I step closer to him, so our bodies fit as one. My arms circle around his neck and his around my waist, pulling me closer, if that's even possible. The kiss gets faster, almost too fast for me to keep up with.

I want to live this moment forever, but everything has to end, I guess. He breaks away, resting our foreheads together. I try to go in for more, but he stays still. It hurts every time I breathe, but eh, I can suck it up.

"Get off of her!" I hear, and immediately think they're talking to josh. Our head break contact and he pulls me closer. We look back at the house, and find a fight is starting just off the deck. A little blonde is thrown off to the side. Liz.

The two fighting over her are not a surprise. Bryan and Luke, two of Josh's friends.

"Son of a bitch," I hear josh mutter beside me. We break apart and take each others hands as we head to the fight.

"Are they drunk?" I ask.

"Probably, but they always fight over girls." We soon arrive at it. A crowd has formed, and two people help Liz to her feet. "I'm going to break them apart, alright? stay here, no matter what." I nod my head, even though I'm not going to follow what he said.

He breaks through the crowd with me behind him. Josh is just about to walk into it when Sam comes stumbling in, drunk off his ass.


Really over due chapter, I know. But please leave comments on what you think of it, as we'll as the story so far!

I will be updating hijacked soon, too. I'm sorry for the wait


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