Chapter 1: a party

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Ok, so I was rereading this story over, and realized how short the chapters were in the beginning. I promise you they get longer as you get further in with the book!

⚫️So this will all be in Jens POV⚫️

It's the last day of school, and that always means a party at Sams, my friend, house. His parents are never home, so he never has to worry. I go into my closet and pick out a red dress, with tank top kind of straps, and ruffles at the bottom. After applying some natural make up, I fix my loose brunette curls before going down stairs. I put on some flats and head out the door.


When I arrive at the party, I already see there are a lot of people. After looking for a parking spot, I find on a little farther down the road. I open my car door a feel the temperature has dropped up here. Before I can open the door to the house, someone already does. It's someone I never have seen before, but he smiles, and I feel myself blush

"Hey, I'm heading outside" he says

"Thanks for the status update." I respond. I wasn't even expecting it to come out that my head I'm just as shocked at my response as the dude standing right in front of me is. But on the outside, I stay in character, looking annoyed at him.

"That not a polite thing to respond to an invitation," the dude says back to me.

" your asked me to go outside with you? Good bye!" I say, pushing through him.

Soon I find Sam in the kitchen, drinking from a solo cup and socializing with a bunch of girls.

" hey, I'm here." I say, walking towards him

" hey Jen!" He answered " listen, the drinks are in that tub of ice, and you can dance in the living room.

" Sam this is not the first time I have been to one of your parties. He holds his hands up.

" just saying!" I laugh at him and walk away to the living room. When I walk in,mother unscientific seems to be blasting through the speakers. I start dancing with my friend Paige for awhile until I was thirsty. I walk to the kitchen and get a bottle of root beer. I don't want to have beer right now. After opening it, I sit on one of the stools by the island. I look around to find a boy looking about my age , looking at me. He quickly turns away once he notices I see him. I shake it off and go back to dance with my friends. But instead, I am pinned to the wall by strong hands.

"Next time you accept my invite." A voice says. I look to see it's then dude from before when I made the awesome comback.

" get off of me,"I say calm but stern. I try to wiggle myself free, but instead he tightens the grasp on my wrists and lifts me up so I can't touch the ground.

" not gonna happen." He says. Now his face is inches from mine. I close my eyes as he leans in for a kiss. But instead he's thrown back and onto the floor. As I wasn't expecting this, and my legs are asleep for hanging so long, I fall too, hitting my head on the floor. The last thing I hear is " don't touch her again" and a slightly familiar face bending down to me before blacking out.


Ok so this is the first chapter. Sorry it's so short but it's late and I didn't want to lose my train of though!

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