Chapter 16: my story

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I actually didn't feel good. Well, atleast with the feelings that remain. If you hadn't noticed, josh killed the rest.

I took a nap, and woke up to 23 missed calls. All were from liz, josh, sam, and mostly Liam. I ignore them.

After a couple hours of staring at the wall thinking why I ever thought josh actually was 'the one', i hear a knock on the door. I ignore it.

"Jen, please answer. I need to talk to you." joshs voice say from the other side. I wipe my tears away, but don't get up. "Please, at least answer me." His voice has nervousness in it. "Jen? a-are you okay?" I still don't even move. "open the door" I don't move. "I'm coming in." Wait-what? the door knob jiggles a little before I hear a click. The door opens and I hear footsteps coming toward my bedroom.

"Jen, where are you?" i guess he found me because the footsteps are Closer.

"Jen?" I can't believe he can't just say Jennifer. Is it that hard?

I then feel hands grasping onto me. "Are you okay? jen!" he turns me into my back, but I turn back over. "I don't want to talk, josh." I say. I hide my arms to my body because of the chill.

"Show me your arm."


"Show me your arm. Now."

"Why do you-" I realize he thinks I'm cutting. Why the hell would I do that? I give him my arm, still facing the wall. That's when I remember my scar.

"What the hell Jennifer?!" hey look, he learned my name. "Why would you do this to yourself?!"

"I didn't." I say simply. I try to pull it back in, but he grabs it.

"Then what is it?! give me an answer, now!"

"It's something from when i was little."

"I'm not buying it."

"Well, you know what josh? you really should! you're not the only one with a horrible history! would you stop thinking of yourself, and find out what others had to go through?! how about going through 3 surgeries in less than five months, at the age of two? how-how about dying then being brought back to life, after being in a coma for a week? how about trying that for a change? that 'cut' is from getting a tumor removed!" silence. That's what I get in return. Not, 'I'm sorry' or even a hug. Silence.

"Why didn't you tell me this."

"I don't know, maybe because I was caring for someone else's feelings besides mine when I had the chance. Unlike you, who the next day is all over my best friend right infront of my face."

"We shouldn't have kissed."

"You kissed her? seriously?"

"No, I mean, yes, but no. We, as In you and me."

"Why? because brings back 'to many memories'?! well I don't give a crap! I did that to keep you alive! you looked like you were gonna commit suicide!"

"No jennifer! for gods sake, you have a boyfriend! that's why!"

"I've never had a boyfriend! what are you talking about?!"

"Liam, for crying out loud!"

"Liam? are you serious? he did that to make you jealous! to show you what I felt all day!"

"Can we stop yelling please" hes trying to change the subject.

"Guys what's going on in here?" Sam walks in saying. He can come in at the best times.

"Josh is forcing information out of me" I sense Sam's expression changing. He knows what I'm talking about.

"I didn't force it out! she just said everything when I asked her a question!"

"What was the question."

"Why she hurt herself"

"Jennifer!" he rushes over "I told you told never do that again!"

"Again?" Josh asks

"I wanted to feel what it felt like. Again, I wasn't the brightest child" I comment. "And no sam, he saw my scar."

"You mean-"

"Yes, I told him."

"You don't like following rules do you"

"You've known me your entire life and haven't figured it out yet?" he chuckles. "Well, he needs to tell you something in return." I look at josh for the first time.

"He already did."

"I want to hear it."

"I'd rather not"

"Why? he didn't tell you it?"

"No! he did! it just.....very......depressing"

"I love depressing stories!"

"Do you know what? jen, wait here. I'm going to go tell sam." Josh says.


Okay, I know this was a short chapter, but I'm really impressed with it! I have no idea where all of this came from, so don't ask!

1.36k reads?! are you fricken kidding me?! *dies* *comes back to life* *refreshes feed* *dies* *repeats*

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