Chapter 24

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"Of course" she answers. I'm so relieved you wouldn't imagine.

"Ok, well, what if...say there were three people. Two you've know for a long time, but the other one you just met, but seem to feel attracted instantly. Then the others get jealous and start pulling you into something you can't get out from. What do you do?" She pauses to look at me for a moment, thinking. She finally speaks up.

"This is about you and the boys, isn't it."

"Are you mad?"

"Why would I be mad? it will happen Atleast once in your life. It's good to get over now." She assures me. I smile. It's good to have her help me, even if she's my mom.

"But it's complicated. Josh, I like him. We both have troubled pasts that we can compare with. But the thing is, I like him, but I don't know in what kind of way." This feels so good, opening up. I can finally put feelings into words. "And then Sam, hell, I don't know what's going on with him. It's Liam I'm struggling with. He seems to see something going on with josh and I, and I guess is taking it to heart. He's been very defensive."

"But is there something going on with you and Josh?"

"I don't know, to be honest. We kissed, like two times. But I don't think the first counted."

"And why's that?"

"It was for his sake. He told me his past, and we were both really upset by the end. Then he started to go on about Hes 'worth nothing'. So I kissed him, I guess to show him I care about him."

"And in what kind of way?"

"I don't know. Sometimes I feel as if I'm about to fall for him, but something always brings me back up."

"Just give it time jennifer. Your true feelings will always come out in the darkest times."

The rest of the day consists of watched movies and getting calls from the boys. but I ignore them, of course. It was months ago. Why would I do that to myself now? when it was that period of time, I think it was within one week of thinking, at the most. I'm over it. I can't do it anyway. I wouldn't. I'm basically all mom has, besides my brothers. I can't do that to her.

I finally climb into my bed after the longest day ever. Before going to sleep, I pull out my phone. I need to atleast tell them I'm okay.
To: Sam, Josh, Liam
Good night
Oh shit. That's not the best choice of words.
See you guys tmrw
I tuck my phone away and fall into a dreamless sleep.
I have a rude awakening due to pounding on my door. I sit up to get it. My nose burns from the tube, so I take it out really quick, like I usually do. Before being able to put it back in, the pounding arrives again, more powerful.

"I'm coming! Jeez!" I scream, walking to the door. It feels so free to not have the tube.

I open the door to see Sam standing there. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck to pull him into a tight embrace.
"Sam" I breathe. "I've missed you so much."

"You just saw me yesterday," he mumbles into my hair.

"I know. But I mean the real Sam.this Sam."

"Well then I missed you too," he says, pulling us apart. "Hey, where's that tube thing? Don't you need it?"

"It burns my nose. So I took it out for a little, and someone wasn't patient enough to pets me put it back in." I inform him. "I don't think I really need it though. It's more for support."

"Okay then. Can I come in?" I immediately let him in, closing the door behind him.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I ask, making my way to the kitchen. The air starts to get stuffy. Now I know why I need the tube.

"Um, maybe some popcorn?"

"Of," I cough mid sentence. "Course" the air is now getting hard to breathe in. I guess maybe I do need it. I open the cabinet that hold dry food and grab a package. I cough again, probably making Sam worried. But, I still continue. As soon as i put the microwave on, I rush into the bedroom to get the oxygen tank. Hopefully Sam didn't notice the rush, because I don't feel like listening to lectures the time I get back, Sam has the tv on and the popcorn is ready. I pour it in a bowl and snuggle up to him.
"Wow. Our lives are so fucked up" I whisper.

"Yep." We sit there for awhile. Well, until I bring something to talk about up.

"Do you like Josh and liam?"

"Of course"

"Be honest"

"They're annoying...sometimes" I silently laugh.

"Would you be mad if I started dating one of them?"

"Well I don't know. Wait-are you?'

"No, no. I'm just wondering."

"You know jen, Josh is a good kid. It would be cool to see you guys together." Blood flows to my cheeks as I smile and hit his arm.
"What about you and liam?"

"Liam can be an ass" huh, didn't notice. "And well, I'm just too good for" he says with a smirk. We laugh at his 'compliment' if that's what you want to call it.
"So what do you want to do?" I ask. He kisses the side of my head.

"I don't know...oo! Let's play house!" I laugh, but he stays silent.

"Wait-your serious?" I question, very confused on what he is trying to say.

"Yep." I raise my eyebrows.

"Okaay....lets play house"
When we are in the middle of the process of 'buying a dog' in the game house, Sams phone rings. He looks at me to assure he can pick it up. I nod.

"Yello?" He speaks into it. Some muttering follows.

"Yeah, yeah it's okay with me. Let me check with jennifer-yes, she's with me-yes she's okay" he turns to me while he covers the part of the phone his voice would be heard from.

"Some of Joshs friends just came. Is it okay if they join us for the fireworks?"

"Yeah, yeah it's fine."

"Okay." he tells I guess Josh whos on the other end before turning back to me. "I'll let you get changed. We are meeting up at 6:30."

Once he leaves I change into acid stained Jean shorts, a sports bra, and a white crop top shirt that has an American flag. (a/n I'm really sorry if your not american, but in July we celebrate the freedom stuff by setting fireworks)

At 6:30 I start my way rolling the fucking tank down the hall to josh's room. I then realize the girls will be climbing over him, being the hot new boy. Wish me luck.

I knock the door. When it opens, I don't know who's jaw drops first.

Heyyyy guys

So this chapter is very very overdue, and I'm not gonna use the crappy excuse 'I've been busy' or 'writer block'. It was simply because the chapter was hard to write and I couldn't really get into it. I'm trying to start a new story and it might be up soon.(not fanfiction)

So in conclusion, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and updates are soon:)

Unexpected Love//joshiferWhere stories live. Discover now