Chapter 14: god, she can be annoying

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I cover my mouth in shock. I look over at Sam who's mouth is a thin line. Then I look at josh. He's closing his eyes and his hands are clutching onto the couch. I take one and squeeze it. He looms over at me. It's going to be okay i mouth.

"Let's play a boardgame" Sam suddenly says.

"Sam we just came yesterday. Can we rest?"

"Fine. But Liam's coming." He says taking out his phone. As Sam walks out, I turn to josh.

"You okay"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Josh, you didn't have to tell me. You know that, right?" That's when he turns to me.

"That's the thing. I wanted to tell you. I love hanging out with you , so you deserve to know. I've been wanting to just tell someone for such a long time. I needed to get it out of my head, thinking it would make things better. More enjoyable."

"But it didn't" he shakes his head.

"It just reminded me worst." That's when Sam comes in.

"He's coming in 15 minutes" Sam says. "I'm gonna get snacks from my room"

"Ok, I'm going to go take a shower be right back" josh says walking to the bathroom.

Once I'm all alone, I go on my phone to text Liz.

J- hey liz, want to come over to the hotel? All the boys are here and I don't want o be alone.

L: why are you at a hotel?


J:yeah I'm fine don't worry. I don't think josh is though

L: what do you mean? he had less damage..wait is he hurt?!

J: no he's fine, but some things remind him of stuff.

L: poor joshie. I still want to meet him.

J: ik. So you want to come?

L: yeah sure

J: ok, josh is getting out of the shower now, so about ten minutes

L: ok see yah


I put my phone down right when josh walks out in his boxers.

"Put some pants on, would yah" I say.

"Oh so your fine without a shirt?"

"You know what I mean"

He laughs before grabbing some sweat pants.

"Hey, is it okay if my friend Liz comes over? She wants to meet you" I ask josh

" Yeah sure. I think we are just talking anyway so I can get to know her"

"Ok I'll text sam"


Liz came a little after Sam came back. I'm instantly pulled into a hug.

"I'm so sorry jen. Omg, I'm so sorry" she whispers.

"It's fine. We're fine." I whisper back. We pull apart. "Do you want to meet josh?"

"Yeah sure" she answers casually, but I know she's dancing on the inside.

"Josh! come meet liz!" I yell into the door that is joining our rooms. We are in Sams right now, then mines in the middle, and josh is on the other end.

"Ok, I'll be there in a second!" I here him call back. He comes walking in putting a shirt on.

"What do you not like shirts? you never have one on" I tell him. Liz giggles.

"Acturally, to my opinion, it is far more comfortable without a shirt" he smirks while I roll my eyes. "So is this that Liz girl you were talking about?" Liz giggles even more. God, she can be annoying.

"Yes, it is. Liz, this is josh, josh, this is Liz." There's a knock at the door. It's probably Liam. "You two get to know eachother. I'll get the door." I say.

I open the door to see Liam with a bag of snacks.

"What's that for?" I ask

"I think the real question is; Are you okay?" He answers, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm fine, I think you should be asking that to that one." I say, gesturing behind me.

"Who is that kid?"

"Sam hasn't told you about him? that's josh. He's our new neighbor....well, was our new neighbor anyway."

"He looks familiar? I don't know where I saw him, but I defiantly have."

"Hes....well...the one who stopped know...."

"Oh! ok. Well, he really seems to be enjoying himself over there with that friend of yours" Liam points out. I look over my shoulder to find josh with his face red from laughter. He's smiling none stop as well as liz, who's twirling her grown out bangs. Which I might add, does not need twirl inferring the piece is frozen in curls with hair spray. My lips part. I thought Liz wanted me to be with him? and what was the kiss about, if he didn't want it? the trust?

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