Chapter 28

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"Hey!" Sam slurs. "Yah know,I never liked you kids.." he says 'knowingly', pointing to each of them. He lazily slumps over to be infront of both of the guys. "Now, let me get this straight. You see..." he points at Liz. "That girl? Well yeah, good luck wit' her, she taken!" He laughs out loud, contracting over to rest on his knees.

"Sam," I say, pushing through more people. "Sam!" I run over to him, and put my hands on his shoulders."what are you talking about? Are you okay? Sam!" He sits there, now on the sand, laughing his head off.

"Look-a-like-a someone's jelly! Ha! Aw, poor Jen Jen, her little boyfriend goin' o' wiff 'nother girl? Oh no! Maybe maybe, kiss kiss?" He says quickly, and then points to his cheek. I, am utterly confused. Josh has been with us the whole day. The whole week. How would he be seeing someone else? Is sam even talking about Josh? Oh, don't fall for Josh, jen. Don't do that.

But do I want to? Do I want to finally start a relationship, and then get my heart broken? Ah, this is why I haven't had a relationship like that yet. It's too confusing, too risky. I don't want to think someone loves me, I don't want the stress, I don't want the constant competition, I don't want it. I don't want any of it.

And I have had a few kisses before Josh. I mean, I'm not that protective over myself. I cautious. Choosing to see what can go wrong in a situation. Anything that can go wrong, actually. Even if it's highly unlikely, I do not take the chance. And I hate it. Why do I think like that? Why does my mind work like that? Why can't I make normal decisions?

"Sam, lets go. We're going home. Josh-"

"Oo, and why we goin' home? Oh! I know!" He looks around, and leans over to me. "But I don't think we should speak of it here," sam states, rather loudly to be considered a whisper. "Lil' joshy might get some jelly!" As he has another laughing fit, Josh comes overto help me bring(or drag) sam to the car.

"Jennifer, go get your breathing stuff. I'll get him to the car." He's dragging Sam to the deck now, as sam proudly gives everyone unwanted high fives. I nod slightly, not definitely sure what's going on.


Wow, how embarrassing can I get with this thing? Four people asked me already, " Do you need help with that?" Or, "I'm so sorry! Omgeeeeee what happened?"

I'll tell you what's gonna happen. surely, it won't be healthy for either of us here.

So now, I'm taking the same path back to the car as I did from it. On the way, I spotted a shirt that looked awfully familiar, and picked it up once realizing it was Sam's. Soon I reach the car, and spot Josh in the front seat, rubbing his temples. I climb in and buckle.

"Where's Sam?" I ask. Josh, still rubbing his temples, points to the backseat. I follow his hand, although Sam is not in the seat, but passed out on the floor beneath it. I sigh and look back at Josh. He looks so stressed and uncomfortable, and I can't hold back asking. "Hey," I place and hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

He's silent for a moment. Running his hands through his hair numerous times, moving around, opening and closing his mouth.

"I just-Jennifer-I-sam-I just can't get Sam's fit out of my head. Our relationship. . . I don't know what he's coming from." I furrow my eyebrows. "I haven't seen Li-Elizabeth since you kicked her out. I swear, I have feelings for you. I know, we have only known each other for a couple weeks, but they've been great. Hectic, but great. Sometimes I can't go to sleep because of thinking of every flaw I have, everything you wouldn't like about me. And I used it against myself and what we could turn in to. And then, once I thought I'd finally get you, Sam yells that out. I just realized it's not my luck." He takes a quick glance at me before looking down.

Unexpected Love//joshiferWhere stories live. Discover now