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Vincent entered the basement where Angela had his son. He watched Angela whip him and flood his memories of his mothers death. He stopped the whip, then walked away from the angel, "That's enough for now..." he stooped in front of Ciel that had his head hanging down in sadness, and sighed a bit, as he laid a finger under his chin, "hello Ciel..." he lifted his sons head up to face him, "Are you in pain?"

Ciel was hanging by the chains as Angela had already managed to whip him enough to make his body drip a bit with blood, he looked up weakly at the angel then the man. He had marks on his cheeks from the scratches and slaps, even from the tip if the whip that cracked on his face at times, he pulled his face away to the side and cough out a bit of blood from his mouth. He panted and he started to sweat, it stung his scars leaving him nothing but pain like lemon in a fresh cut, or salt on open wounds. He looked back at the man as his mouth drooled and dripped with blood, sweat and tears, he grunted at him, "what....the hell...does it look like...to you?" he used the bit of strength he had to glare at him although his teas and sweat stung the scars in his face as well.

"Still a stubborn brat..." vincent slapped his son hard. "Such a pathetic waste. What are you waiting for?! Turn... turn into the demon I know you are... its because this angel you remain human... but I shalll beat it out of you.. so turn into your true self! Quit stalling! No one is coming to save you... not even your precious sebastian.... "

Ciels eyes widen at the sound of Sebastian's name, it was true...or so he thought.

'Sebastian won't come save me....I know. He hates me...'

Ciel shed a bit more of tears as he felt his chest hurt horribly and broken hearted.

"So it os true... you started to care for him. What about me? Or your mother? Did you care about her?!" He slaps ciel once more. He blamed his son for everything! "You took my beloved from me.... you ruined everything in my life! My Rachael was everything and if it wasn't for you...." vincent punched him hard in the stomach. "And here you are... in love with a demon...." he grinned. "How does it feel... none of this wouldn't of happened if you weren't born.... everyone would still be alive.. it is all your fault!"

Ciel clenched his teeth as he closes his eyes tightly. He coughed out more blood as Vincent punched him hard in the stomach. He felt like puking the blood out with anything else that he had left. He broke apart, everything in and out of him. Ciel felt nothing now but shame, and hatred for himself. Not only did he push everyone he loved but he pushed them to their death, he didn't know it would end that way. He opened his eyes and looked up at Vincent with hate, "if you didn't want me born...then why don't you kill me already!!kill me father! Do it NOW!"

"tell me ... Just tell me what I need to know!" Vincent demanded! He was ready to slap him once more when someone grabbed him and threw him through a wall and into the next room.

Sebastian stood looking at his master chained into the wall. "boochan.." He whispered and tried to undo the shackles when a whip wrapped itself on sebastian neck and pulled him back hard!

"unclean!!!" Angela stood over sebastian. "you shall be cleansed!"

"Sebastian!" Ciel coughed and he panted in pain as he saw Sebastian being pulled back by the whip. He moved a bit in the shackles with the small strength he had.

Sebastian gripped the whip and pulled the angel towards him. "you shall be tainted..." Sebastian growled and shoved his hand into the angels chest, pushing his hand up until his hand came out of the angels mouth.

"you harmed my master...no one harms my boochan." With one hard pull, the angels chest cavity broke and sebastian pulled his arm free. Sebastian watch vincent run from him. Sebastian growled as he wanted to chase him down but ciel was calling him.

"boochan..." He whispered and went to him, bowing down at him. "forgive my lateness master...."

Ciel looked at Sebastian panting, "just get me out these things and worry about that later..." He could use his cold voice he usually did, for the weakness they brought to him. He was still hurt, and bleeding.

"Sebastian!" Claude yelled from the enterance. Sebastian saw the knives in his hands and saw them coming straight at him. Sebastian stood up and shielded his Master from the blades coming at him. Each knife pierced sebastian back. Several knives embedded in his back, the knives didn't stop. Sebastian kept his ground and shielded his master. Sebastian panted and collapsed from all the weight. Claude made his way over to Sebastian and threw him to the other side of the room. Claude faced ciel and withdrew a gun. "You killed my master, I kill and drink yours..." claude shot ciel in the chest. Sebastian growled and shook all the knives off! He charged at Claude as he shot a few rounds into Sebastians head. The shots distracted sebastian enough for Claude to escape. Sebastian spitted out the bullets and looked at Ciel. He quickly undid the locks and held Ciells dying body in his arms. "Boochan...." ciel looked up and saw tears in his butler eyes.

Sebastians tears fell onto Ciels tears as they ran down his cheeks slowly, and he closed his eyes leaning into Sebastian more gripping onto his jacket, trying to speak, "Sebastian~ I...I..." Ciels tight grip loosened as he fell back into Sebastian's arms, his lifeless body lying still, and cold. Blood was still dripping off his body and his precious face.

"master... forgive me!....I failed you" sebastian voice cracked a bit.  Sebastian fell hard on to his knees...He held the broken body close to his chest and rocked it back and forth like a mother would do an infant.  He looked down at his young master and smoothed out his hair.  "and now I can finally have your soul..." Sebastian lowered his head and pressed his lips agasint Ciels, tears still fell onto Ciels cheeks. He gripped him tightly, and lifted his head. Sebastian couldn't take the soul he molded and shaped into a worthy soul.  He just couldn't do it.

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