~Dance of The Spider~

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Hannah walked Ciel to the room and knocked...the voice told them to enter and Ciel stepped inside, having Sebastian right behind him.... "Master, lord phantomhive..." She bows a bit at Trancy.

The guests in the room turned and stood up... "Well, we shall leave you two to talk... thank you for the evening conversation...." They both nod as a thank you and take their leave, leaving the two of them alone... it seems Trancy was busy the whole afternoon entertaining his guests. Both butlers in the room have another stare off... "please sit" Trancy smiled at Ciel as he tool his seat, "I see you were able to make it to the ball. Are you enjoying yourself?..." He smiles as Claude starts to pour the tea.

'he looks just like the girl from earlier, they must be twins or something....' he thought to himself as he looked at Trancy.

"I would like to talk to you alone if we can.... I'm sure our butlers ca have their own talk..." Claude bows as he was dismissed....he waits for Ciel to dismiss his butler.

Ciel nods as his eyes were closed "Very well, Sebastian...leave the room"

"Yes my lord..." he bows at both of them as they leave the two alone.... Alois stands to serve Ciel a piece of cake "I'm sorry for the short notice, we just arrived from france... My sister was homesick.  Have you met her yet?"

He blushes a bit remembering the slap, he looks away "yes...I believe I have" he looks down and at the cake in his hands.

'She is rather spontaneous... But the invitation was also to settle a few things my father had pending.  This family fued.... They say its been years our family had been rivals.... I want it to stop.  I want peace between us" Alois sits and crosses his legs as he plays with his purple bows on his knee "I'm wanting us to be friends" he smiles, Alois's blonde hair shined a darkly in the dark room with the low candle light, as he wore a top hat with a small string of web on it. He had a ruffled shirt with a beautiful, long, dark purple jacket as he wore a white ruffled shirt and smooth purple, tight vest under it all...his shorts were small and the same color. He had a trim from the bottom of the vest that was sating black ruffles with little bows attachment that led down to clip at the top of his black stockings with purple bows that were high up to his thigh almost covering his whole legs. His boots were a dark passionate purple with satin ribbon the laces.

Ciee snickers "our family has been rivals for years and you suddenly think its easy to be friends?....what kind of a friendship is their when one can not trust the other...?" he glares at him a bit, enough for him not to notice.

"Oh you are a feisty one.  I have no issues agaimst you.  Our families don't even know why... Do you even know? Trust is earned and talking about it is the first step.  Now that I'm head of the manor, things are changing.  The time is changing.  What do you say, lets be friends!..." such a delusional child.

He snickers again"...heh...friends...I don't have then for a reason..." Stands up and looks at Trancy "you're such a delusional child...but I suppose...we can try...how about you come over for dinner with your sister..."

*Oh we are going to be the best of friends.... Come, lets begin by walking out together and greeting my guests....." he grins " hmm...my sister? Are you trying to court her?.... " he laughs.

"No...I just wanted to apologize for earlier, I suppose I was quite rude..." walks with Trancy out into the hall, looks at at Sebastian... He looked like he wasn't liking something.

*I won't stand for mistreatment... She is my sister after all.  However, she does havea wicked sense of humor...." he stops when Hannah appears with the triplets... They were carrying his sister in their arms...* excuse me.... "Alois went to check on her..... He caresses her face and orders the servants to take her up stairs "sorry about that.  It seems my dear sister fell and hurt her ankle... Hannah will see her throughout the night..... Come, lets say hello!" he grabs Ciel arm and pulls him along.

He just follows a bit annoyed as he looked back at Sebastian, he looked very displeased.

'Whatthehelliswrongwithhim?' He thought as he was being dragged away by the blonde.

Alois catches him and holds him close as they dance faster and faster.... Sebastian watches his master spin but his attention goes back to Claude who was now speaking with Mey-RinClaude "if its asking too much, we could have a nice conversation and--"

Sebastian appears "that won't be necessary...Thank you Claude for your hospitality...but desserts in a ball like this should of been served already...What kind of butler are you if you can not do such a simple task? Not one hell of one let me tell you that..." Claude glared at him and turned around walking off, walks Mey-Rin out to a carriage. He explains what he over heard, "something not right here...I figured this was a trap to lure my master...I need your skills to be a secret still...you could be used as a weapon against our master....You look beautiful Mey-Rin... Go back home..." Sebastian kisses her cheek and closes the carriage door, watching her leave he goes back to the ball.

The doors suddenly shut around him and people inside started to scream. The screaming made everyone stop, the spinning made Ciel very dizzy. Men in masks shot their guns up in the air, "now that we have your attention, which one of you is Ciel Phantomhive?..." Alois took a stand forward.

"I am..." the gun man fired at Alois... He falls to the floor as his blood pooling on the floor, "thats what you get stupid brat!!! Everyone empty your gold!...."

Ciel winced as he felt himself still dizzy, vision a bit blurry.

"didn't you hear us?! Your rings and your mask...in the bag!..." the guy kicks Ciel, swiping his leg and causing him to fall on his arm....he was getting bored of this now.

"SEBASTIAN! WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU IDIOT!" Ciel yells holding his side in pain.

The whole room gets dark....only Ciel could hear his butler, "they always kick you don't they?.. I'm waiting on you my lord....."

He pants in pain and holds his side "SEBASTIAN!" his mask and eyes patch slips off as his one eyes glows in the dark, the vibrant purple sign that held their contract "I ORDER YOU TO FINISH THIS STUPID GAME NOW!"

"Yes... my lord..." Ciel stands as he heard the cries of the men who charged in with guns going off, "such rude guests...let me show you how to enjoy a ball...first.... appetizers..!" he stuffs one man with food until he chokes, "next... the drinks! We have Earl Greg tea fresh of the fire" he pours boiling water at another guy, "last.... the dancing..." he grabs the one who kicked Ciel and throws him up to the chandelier, impaling his body on the iron rods, "and now...everyone...sleep..." the guests all pass out and the light came back on.

Claude is over alois, putting pressure on the shoulder wound, "the bullet missed his heart by inches..." Sebastian stands by his master "you could of been a better butler..." Claude looks at him "he's just my master...not...my......MASTER." Sebastian was shocked, he could've of thought for sure he had a contract with him.


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