~There's a Spider In My Heart~

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Sebastian hears the mess outside...he sighs but let's the servants handle everything as he walks up to the study "best have this cleaned up before master sees it..." He walks into the study and puts the light lunch on the desk..."I have prepared a light sea cucumber sandwich with a soup of baby clams... a light lunch but not upsetting for the main course of tonights dinner...."

Ciel looked at it and took a small bite and sip of everything "you can do better I'm sure, this really taste like something I would buy off the street...take it..." pushes it away "I don't want it..."

Sebastian nods "I didn't know you ate food off the street before..."Smartass tone "of course I have never fully cooked for a human palette.... especially one who only prefer sweets..." he bows and serves the tea.

He glared at Sebastian, what a jackass he can be sometimes.

Sebastian smiles and sets the teapot down, "if you excuse me.... I have a dinner to prepare... enjoy your studies..." he starts to leave.

Sebastian leaves the room and smells it, the blood...he goes to find the source and finds drops of blood coming from Mey-Rin hand, "Mey-Rin...you can't work like this..." He bends down to bandage her hand, "take the day off to heal... I wouldn't want to upset our young master if I made you work in this condition...come..." He leads her out the door and up to her room "honestly Mey-Rin how hard is it to clean the manor without breaking things and hurting yourself, what happened?"

"Those two idiots happened...they made me knock over the vase i was cleaning...but it doesn't matter now....i'm fine i can work! Now let me get back to it!" She yells at him.

"Now, Mey-Rin don't argue with me...just relax..." he sets her on her bed and looks at the kitten in her room she kept hidden, "who is this lovely creature?..."

"I found him in the bush outside he's... he's all I have" she puts on a pair of black gloves "there the master won't know" she used a cold, dark voice as starts to leave the room, to finish the chores.

The butler sighs "please Mey-Rin... don't argue with me...i will be disappointed if you leave this room..." He pets her cat and smiles "anyway, just keep it outside, the master is allergic to cats..." He leaves the room and goes to prepare dinner.

Time flew by as it came to be the time for dinner to take place. The carriage arrives as Sebastian changed Ciel into formal wear, a beautiful satin shirt hugged Ciels chest as he wore a beautiful silver bow with a Midnight, Sapphire blue jacket on top, blue short to match jacket and his little top hat on his head. Ciel looked at perfect as the roses that were laid out to make the whole mansion sparkle with beauty and amazement. The tables set and dinner smelled good.

Ciel climbed the stairs as Sebastian opens the door, Hannah was walking lady Trancy into the room, and no one else was. The perfume she wore was sweet and compelling, it was a smell she wanted to have on purpose for him. She smiled at ciel "i'm sorry my brother can not make it tonight.  The doctor said he should rest..." The butler bows and closes the door.

Ciel nodded "it's alright, what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't understand?..." he gives the best fake smile as he walked passed Sebastian, he felt a tickle in his nose and sneezed loud...he growled and looked at Sebastian "what did I tell you about being around me after you've picked up those damn little beasts...!" he pulls himself away from him and let's out a sigh, as he looked at the girl with apologizing eyes "I apologize for my behavior just now....*he reaches his arm out like a gentlemen for her " I also apologize for being so rude yesterday...I never did get your name..."

"There are a few things you never ask a lady...for the rudeness, I shall reward you with my name when I feel you deserve such reward..." her dress was simple yet elegant...not like Lizzy's bright color dresses...lady Trancy was in dark colors that seemed so beautiful, not so hard on his eyes, "I feel you are staring right through me... shall we go?.." she grabs his arm and walks with him.

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