~To The Trancy Manor~

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"No! NO! NO! THIS BRAT...that little pawn! He's moved closer to the enemy..." the blonde yells as he sat in bed reading the paper "dammit! Claude! Why didn't you do anything to help me?!!" he glares at the butler with lame glasses.

"was I suppose to?  You made it clear to stay with the horses because I smelled like one of them" he sighs "Forgive me if I misunderstood, your highness..."

Alois Trancy...the little blonde, with icey blue eyes and seductive smile. Although, he seemed nothing but a little flirt he was filled with hatred...taken away at such a young age to be tortured. Finally returning to become head of the house after everything had died around him because of someone.

Alois growled and threw the paper down to the floor "just shut up! Shut up Claude!!"

Hannah walks over to pick up the paper , she didn't want him to slip.

The blonde glares at her "DID I SAY TO PICK IT UP?!" he kicks her away "CLAUDE YOU PICK IT UP NOW!....you piece of shit..." he frowns.

Claude picks it up and crumbles it, "on second thought... I could frame it..." he grins.

"What are you babbling about?!"

Claude closes his eyes and fixes his glasses "nothing your highness.  Ill go dispose of this" he begins to walk off as he stopped at the door turning his head a bit  "this game though...your playing...you know... you might lose" he snickered.

He glares at him "you just shut up and follow orders..." he smirks "I'm the one who should be laughing...remember our contract...you don't get my soul unless I've won this game...now...you wouldn't want to miss out on that...would you? Starving little bug...."

"Then I should leave you alone with your thoughts.  Your soul belongs to me. As well as your servants..." The room gets dark... Alois finds himself alone. He bites his lip and jumps out of bed, scurrying to the little light seeping through his window and sat there...he didn't fear anything, but the dark and being alone...the two things he loved but hated with a passion, he looks down a bit upset...closing his eyes as he remembers a scene of his torture.


Luka ran behind his brother as they had just stolen from the store... they didn't need to steal but loved the rush.... they run home and laugh.... a that was fun!....."

"It was! Wasn't it?!..." Alois smiles at his brother "how bout we do it again some time?"

Luka nods but winces a bit... he was rubbing his side "maybe I'll be faster next time"

"Are you alright?" He asks worried "did one of them hurt you?"

Luka nods.. he didn't want to worry his older brother.. he bows down "I am all right.. your high... ow....."

Alois looked at his brother side that was bleeding "who did this to you Luka?!"

Luka lowers his head... "he man... chasing us... he threw a rock..." Luka started to cry a bit.

There was only one person Alois cared for more than his parents or himself... it was Luka, he growled "let's go back, and you show me the man that hurt you Luka! I'll kill him with me bare hands!" He hugged his brother tightly.

"No!  I don't want you to be in trouble!...." Luka runs into the house...it was all quiet, Alois sighed as he stood slowly walking to the house when suddenly...it exploded into fire. His eyes went wide "LUKA!" he runs inside as his own skinned burned trying to find his brother "l-luka!!" He coughs from the smoke and desperately searches as he heard somebody call him he turns around seeing a man holding his brother "LUKA!!!" he goes to take his brother, but the man pulls away, the blonde cried "give him to me!!" the man denied unless Trancy took his deal...Trancy heard the deal but denied it.

"Then i suppose boy is mine to take...." the man smirks as his eyes glowed, he carried Luka away in his arms as he seemed to be taking a nibble out of him "I'm so very hungry...you look very tasty"

Alois eyes filled with tears and he fell to his knees weak as the fire went all around him as he screamed, a shriek of terror and pain.

"master...Wake up please... Its just a dream!"

Alois jumped awake and looked around, he was in bed now "WH-WHAT the hell?....who removed me from the window!!" he growled and pushed Hannah away "CLAUDE!! CLAUDE WHERE ARE YOU?!! YOU IDIOT!"

"He... Went to make you some tea... As I put you in bed and...." She spoke without being spoken to.  She just wanted her master to be happy.

Alois growled at her "just get out of my sight! And tell him to hurry up!"

Hannah leaves as Claude comes in with a tea... He pours it and gives it Alois "did you have a good sleep your highness?"

"Shut it!!" throws the tea at him and the cup falls breaking.

Claude picks up the tea... "I do wish you wouldn't of done that... such a waste of tea...."

" I don't care...!, dress me and meet me in my studies, then Bring me my pen and paper...I need to write another letter...I will win this damn game..." he sits on the edge of the bed to be dressed.

Claude does as hes told.. He adjusts his glasses and brings the stationary for Alois... "Your highness.... Wouldn't it just be easier to kill the young earl?... This game is pointless..."

"Didn't i tell you to shut it!!" he slaps him "Don't question my work!..." He frowns at him...he walks out of the room after he's dresses and to his study.

Claude comes in with the paper and pen, Alois snatched it aggressively and Claude whispers the word "brat" as Alois writes his new letter.

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