~Madams Visit~

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Morning came too fast.  Sebastian opened the curtains and let the sun shine onto Ciels face.  "Morning Master."

Ciel yawned and rubbed his eyes as he sat up.

"How are you feeling today my lord?  Your face looks a bit flushed..." he goes to feel his forehead.  "Hmmm... I do hope that late night swim didn't cause you get ill." He poured the tea and served it to Ciel.

He was about to reach for it when he began to cough and it hurt his throat like swallowing sharp knife.

"Sorry my lord, the tea will help sooth your throat. I mixed a bit honey and lemon grass into the herbal tea." He offered the tea once again.  " I have a warm light breakfast...."

Ciel looks up at the butler and clears his throat in pain as he reached for the tea and took a sip. The smell of the warm tea went up into his nose helping it clear up and feel a bit better. Swallowed the warm tea as if it hurt but made everything a bit more better, "thank you--" he coughs a bit, "--Sebastian... " he sighed and looked at the food that seemed delicious, "what is it that you have prepared for breakfast today?"

"in your condition I expected you be in I prepared a warm breakfast.  Soft eggs with a hot fruit cobbler.  Served with a side of oats.  Nothing too hard to damage or scrape your throat any further... " he pushed the cart up to his master.

Ciel took the food and it smelled good he picked up the fork and began to eat it. He was feeling a bit better thanks to Sebastian.

When he was finished he set the plate back on the cart and cleared his throat softly, "have sent the invitation to madame red as I asked you yesterday?"

"Yes, my lord.  I received word she is coming over before dinner.  is there something else you need before I heat your water for a bath?" The thought of being in the water made him shiver.  He could see his mother holding him still if he closed his eyes. Funny how he had almost forgotten how she looked like. He's only seen so many pictures and heard their voices once, but doesn't remember.

He didn't answer Sebastian he was to lost in thought when he finally snapped and shook his head, "uh...no Sebastian...I need nothing more just...I would rather not take a bath today please" he still felt a bit afraid to trust him again.

"Yes my lord.  I shall just let the seawater in your hair lighten you dark mane.  Such a pity, I can't picture you with blonde hair." He teased.  Maybe he could have his bath but.... someone else be there.  Of course he's capable but... finny could help.  Sebastian went to lay out his pressed clothes and started remove the covers from him.

He blushes lightly embarrassed, "maybe Finnian can bathe me"

There was a sudden look on Sebastian's face.  He closed his eyes and bows. "Certainly young master." He leaves and Ciel walks to the bath.. finnan was there looking confused but stood straight up when Ciel walked in.  "Mastah... Sebastian gave me orders to accompany you..... the water ready! And he gave me this soap for your.. chest." Finnian smiled as he tried to hide his nervousness.

Ciel sighed it was better than Sebastian, he just couldn't trust him much right now, he sat in the bath tub of hot water and felt different, he watched Finny in the reflection of the water.

"Mastah... what do I...um... do?" Poor finny was blushing.

He sighed and took the soap out of Finnys hands as he dipped it in water and rubbed in his hands making it bubbly and ready to use that's all he knew what to do, he always let Sebastian do the rest, he handed the soap back to finny, "just do whatever you do when you give yourself a bath..."

Finnian blushed more.  He rubbed the soap against Ciels body. Finny was shaking but started to hum a song.  The warm bath and steam was clearing Ciels nose and chest. Finny washed his hair and could finally feel clean from all the salt that had dried against his skin.  "Um.. why don't you clean um... you know." Finny was red.

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