~Secrets, Switches, and Confusion~

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Ciel walks back to the room but was grabbed from behind and pinned against the wall. The Spaniard had his cane underneath his neck, pressing hard on his neck.  "Your an idiot to trust the madam.... I handled all your shipping needs and you casually fired my company.  I should snap your neck and team up with the madam." He was the one effected.. but not the spy. Someone was using them all.

"WHAT?! I had nothing to do--!" he chokes a bit, and tries not to loose his breathe, "wi--" he tries to breathe "with this!" he refuses to have an asthma attack not now. Although, he was slowly getting weak. He growled and tried to push the other off.

" Right.  You are the one making the choices!" He yells, tightening the grip, he was about to kill Ciel when he fell to the ground.Ciel looked at  Sebastian holding his walking stick in his hands. The weapon he used to strike the Spaniard " sorry master, I couldn't let you walk without this...." He hands the stick to Ciel.

He growls and slaps Sebastian hard, "You BASTARD! HOW COULD YOU?! YOU INVITE MY AUNT! AND THEN YOU YOU SELL MY COMPANY?!? WHA--" he begins to cough violently having a mini asthma attack when Sebastian moves to help him Ciel put up a hand to stop him. He breathed in a couple times, it took a few minutes before he caught his breathe again. He breathed in deep and steady, he snatched the cane from Sebastian's hands and glared at him.

It made sense. He did give Sebastian a lot of power over his financing.  He did sign for him. Everyone was telling him it was Sebastian! "My lord, I didn't..."he tried to explain and as well care for his master.  "Boochan... "


"I.... don't know my lord.  Someone is trying to discredit my loyalty. " Sebastian wanted to smile. Someone was going way beyond to have Ciel lose trust in him.

"And why the hell would they do--"

"Shh.." Sebastian pulled Ciel close to him and covered his mouth, pinning him in the shadows.  There was madam red walking and talking to someone....

"Thank you.  I hate to do this to my sweet nephew but..."they walked outside and the conversation could be heard. Sebastian was so close.

Ciel moved away from Sebastian.

"My lord?  Do you know who she was talking to?" Sebastian wasn't allowed to mingle. Only he was.  He had to confront his aunt.

Ciel sighed as he walked back out into the ballroom, then turned to talk to Sebastian, "Sebastian...I need to speak madam red, would mind finding her for me.."

Sebastain bows as the music starts playing.  Grell grabs Ciel.  "Mind dancing with me?" She had changed outfits.  She was remarkable beautiful for a madam.

Ciel gazed at her a bit, she was rather beautiful. However, he did not have time for dancing...he didn't even know how to, and if he had already learned, he had just now forgotten.

Grell pulls Ciel to the dance floor.  They start to dance and the crowd claps.  Some are laughing, Ciel didn't dance too well.  "You are perfect. We still have to talk.  Your butler is against you...." they change partners. Damn this! He has to wait until Grell switches back.

Ciel danced and was finally switched back for a minute, "what? Sebastian isn't against me!" the switched off again.

Once Ciel was back with Grell, Grell leaned in and whispered.  "A little red bird told me. They plan against you lord... " and Grell starts to sing the cursed family lullaby.

He growls a bit at her.

They separate and now Ciels dancing with madam red.  "Sebastian said you wanted to dance with me.... my darling nephew..." she smiled at him.

He was a bit angry, he needed to speak to both madams now..., he looked at her quickly before the switch again, "how does madam Sutcl-" they were once again switched.

The partners were switched and now he was dancing with... Sebastian?!.  " my lord, I believe I found a spider of a spy.  Do you like my spectacles? I do look like Claude don't I?" He adjusted his glasses and his hair was done differently.  If this was true... The woman around were giggling at them dancing.

"Sebastian?" his mind was slowly becoming dizzy from all the switches. Then once again he was switched.

This time the music got faster and faster!  The switching was getting ridiculous until one switch, he swore.... No.  it wasn't... It was Sebastian.... Claude?.... Ciel was forced to turn and someone kissed him.... The music stopped and everyone started to gather around, pushing the already dizzy Ciel to the ground... Never knowing who kissed him or who was the man he saw... Someone stepped on his hand as another had shoved him down. Idiots.He growled and stood up as he stumbled a bit from the headache he had, so dizzy. He pushed his way through the idiots there, and fell to the floor again. He looked around for Sebastian as he was trying to catch his breathe.

Madam red went to her nephew.  "Ciel... Are you alright?"

He panted standing up and tried to catch his balance, he leaned himself a bit against the table, as he looked up at her, "y-yes...I'm fine~"

"come.. Sit with me and have some tea...." She walks him back to the table in one of the studies of the house and has the servants pour them tea. 

The tea was awful but it did help his headache.  Actually he was feeling rather sleepy all of a sudden, he blinked a couple times and shook his head as he slowly fell off the seat he sat in and blacked out.

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