"Come inside." He drags me by my arm.

The musty smell reeks through the punctured walls mixing with wood as it encloses us. The moist air sticking to my body as I walk behind Ryan. It looks haunted and is giving me creeps.

"Careful," he says as a flight of stairs meet us. We descend them quietly, the only sound coming of our shoes tapping against the tiles. Spider webs in the corner catch my eye, It looks like nobody comes here.

"Nobody comes here except Chase and me hence, the webs and dust." He says answering my thoughts.

"Oh okay." I try to keep my cool "You sure you were going to show me this?" I ask. This seems something like their "Thing"

"Yeah." He lightly chuckles pushing a polished door to open it, stepping aside for me to take a look at it once it's open.

Green. The first thing that catches my eye. The whole wall is painted green. I step inside, light barging in the room from a little window. A white slippery material catches my foot, I hold onto the corner of the door for support. I look down, coloured circles meet my eyes. I squint my eyes following its trail, it's a twister mat, the whole floor is covered with twister mats. I knit my eyebrows at Ryan turning back but he just shrugs pushing me inside the room.

The next thing that catches my eye is the wall. It's covered in colourful posters. Every mat has a different poster above it. Different things are written on them.

"This is one weird room." I lightheartedly chuckle. I have no clue what all this is. Everything is so weird.

"How do you know the name of the room?" He asks, amusement clear on his face.

"What?" I ask startled.

"Chill I'm joking." He grins "But if you like it we can call it one weird room."

"Yeah," I nod "We can." Silence meets my voice and I clear my throat to make it bearable "Where's Chase?"

"I'll just ask him." He says fishing out his phone from his back pocket "Be right back." He turns around. I'm about to tell him not to leave me in this creepy house alone but he doesn't wait for another second, closing the door behind as he leaves. I wipe my clammy hands on my T-shirt. I don't want him to think I'm creeped out by this, I take a deep breath and roam my eyes around the room taking it all. It's cleaned, unlike the rest of the house.

The posters have different fonts on them, with different colours and backgrounds. I walk closer to get a better look. Dragging my fingers on the dusty paper I read it, it says "When here, Dance." I move onto another poster it reads "When here, Smile." Each poster asks the person to do something.

"He'll be late." Ryan's voice booms around the room.

"Okay." I spin around immediately meeting his eyes. I keep the eye contact, shaking his head he chuckles, red locks falling on his face as he pushes them back with his long fingers. Jeez, I mentally slap myself, I should stop focusing so much on such details.

"So now will you tell me what all this is about?" I ask moving my hands around in the air.

"Yeah." He nods, stepping in front of a couch in the corner. He takes out the spinner of twister.

"Do you know how to play it?" He asks motioning towards the twister mates placed on the floor.

"Of course." I say in a "Duh" tone rolling my eyes "Who doesn't know how to play Twister?"

"I don't know? A lot of people."

"Not that I know of any," I say with a shrug, walking towards him.

"Chase and I invented this game a few years ago. Whenever your body is under the poster you have to do what it says. And if two things then you have to do both of them." He smiles at me.

"Kind of seems interesting," I say. It truly does. "You guys were kids when you did this?" I ask

"Yeah." He grins

"Where did you find these many mats?" I cock my eyebrow.

" I don't know? Maybe we stole them." Shrugging he puts the spinner aside doing a teacher impersonation looks at me. "Any questions?"

"No." I laugh shaking my head. Our arms are touching but I don't try to move and neither does he.

"Chase had his first kiss because of this game." He says recalling the event to me "He has to dance with his lower body while he kissed the girl." I chuckle softly at it when the realisation hits me, I hold his arm my eyes wide "Wait," he looks at me confusion clear on his face "I'm not kissing anyone." I say

"Trust me we don't want to too." A voice from the back says. Ryan laughs at it, I turn around, a mop of blond hair stands on the door. I quickly jump to make some distance from Ryan.

"Hi, I'm Chase." He smirks, hands shoved in his pocket. I awkwardly smile at him. The rejection kind of hurt, I mentally curse myself for letting it hurt. Why would I even want to kiss anyone?

A/N: Soo I kinda took a break for a week from writing, all I did was read FanFictions and new Wattpad books 24/7😌🤚🏻 But whatever it's over. And THANKYOU SM FOR 1,000 READS<3

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