Chapter 17

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((y/n)'s POV)

I opened my eyes to a dimly lit white room. I saw all the boys standing or sitting around. "I highly doubt it...." His voice came from beside me. I decided to make my presence known. "Highly...doubt...what...?"

   All their heads snapped over to me. Before I could even think, all thirteen boys were crushing me in a hug. I shifted in pain under them. "Guys...can't....need....breath...." They immediately let up. "Oh my Jisoo's christ! (y/n) your awake!" Chan said happily. I chuckled, swallowing thickly. My throat was as dry as a desert. A glass of water entered my vision. I looked up to see it was Minghao holding it. I smiled softly in thanks. I tried to hold it, but I almost dropped it. Luckily he was there and caught it.

   He held it gently to my lips and I had to fight down my blush. I slowly sipped at it until my throat wasn't as dry. He pulled it away and set it back on the bedside table. There were get well gifts and balloons everywhere. I tilted my head a little. "How...How long was I out?" I mumbled. "Two weeks. Our classmates and things brought this stuff for you, but you can wait to open it." Seungcheol said. I nodded in agreement. "I'll have to thank them.." I looked up at them, noticing their thin frames. "Have you guys been eating well?"

    They looked to the floor in shame and all I could do was sigh. "You guys need to stop worrying so much about me and take care of yourselves!" I looked at my lap, realizing Minghao's hand was in mine. I blushed, starting to play with his fingers slightly as I mumbled the next part. "You guys are my family and I don't want you getting hurt or injuring yourself because of me..."

   I was once again crushed in their group hug, but I could breathe better this time. I gripped Minghao's hand tighter, feeling him squeeze it softly back.

    After a bit they pulled back, sitting around and on my bed. "We're sorry we worried you. It was just difficult to eat and sleep, knowing there was a possibility you might not wake up..." Chan said, looking down. I opened my free arm for him. He cuddled into my side, me softly stroking his hair as a older sibling would do to comfort the younger. "Now now, you all should know I wouldn't leave you. I'm tough. I wouldn't leave you like this no matter what." He hugged me tightly, starting to cry into my shoulder. I softly shushed him, continuing to stroke his hair.

   I looked up to see they were watching us. I blushed a little, my grip on Minghao's hand tightening once again. "What?" Hoshi walked up, softly placing a hand on my head. "Those girls were right, your just like an older brother to little Chan here." He had a fond smile on his face as he spoke. I looked down, messing with Minghao's hand. "I was never usually this soft and nice to my gang members, but...I feel a really strong connection with all of you." I met everyone's eyes, lingering on Minghao for a minute longer. I smiled softly at them. "I'm glad I moved here and met all of you." They smiled widely back. I was home...

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