Chapter 16

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((y/n)'s POV)

Darkness. That's all I could see.

  Suddenly, little orbs of light filtered into my vision. Each had a soft, faint glow. It wasn't enough to light up the whole area, but just enough to shine dimly around it's area. I slowly walked us, gently taking one in my hands. The small face of a little boy popped up. It was me when I was a youngling. It showed my gummy smile as I ran around with some of the other boys in my grade. We picked on girls and ran around, scraping our knees and just being children. I smiled sadly. I missed that.

    I made my way to the next one. I was twelve in this one. My face was a blank canvas, covered in cuts and bruises. My lip busted and my eye bright purple. Mom was flipping out over me, running around to get things to clean me up. I frowned a little. My first ever gang fight. It was the whole reason I joined one, to get back at those assholes who hurt me. I wasn't ever able to get out of that life after that.

   I moved on, coming across a recent one. A handsome boy with a mullet stood in front of me, a kind smile on his face, even if he was awkward. My first time meeting Minghao. Where was Minghao? My mother? The rest of seventeen? I looked around the area once more before a sudden, soft voice started to speak.

     "Hey (y/n) should wake up...I haven't got to teach you any dances yet..." They paused. "We all really miss you....can you even hear us..? Please wake up soon..." I knew that voice! It was Hoshi! I looked around trying to find a way to let him know I could hear him. I didn't know that I had made my hand shift.

   The voices had faded and I was left in silence once again.

 I ran through the millions of orbs that surrounded me. Precious and not so nice memories flying past me as I tried to find a way to my friends.

   A sudden bright light lit up on the far end of where I was, millions of orbs leading towards it. Should I go towards it? In the movies that usually means your gonna die if you go towards the light....I thought, shifting from foot to foot, breathing heavily.

   I heard the muffled voice of Minghao come from it. I don't know what he said, but that was all it took for me to take off towards it, pushing through the orbs as I tore my way to the bright light, it getting bigger and bigger until finally....I touched it.

(Minghao's POV)

I felt his hand move more urgently after the boys had moved away.  I looked at him worried, his face scrunching up. "Should I call the nurse?" Seungkwan asked. I shook my head, leaning down and softly whispering in his ears so that the others couldn't hear. "Hey, wake up please...we miss you, and I know your struggling...just follow my voice, I know you can do those beautiful eyes for me please..." I leaned back after, gripping his hand tighter.

   His face visibly relaxed and I smiled a little. "What did you tell him?" Jun asked softly. I smiled at him, lying smoothly through my teeth. It was still technically the truth anyways. "I told him we missed him, and that he should really wake up. It looked like he was struggling, but it seems my words put him at ease." Jun smiled softly. "I do hope you know that means he probably feels the same." I blushed, mumbling quietly. "I highly doubt it..."


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