Chapter 10

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(Third person's POV)

After (y/n) had left, the boys crowded around Jihoon to see if he had gotten the footage yet. He had. They all sat around Jihoon as he plugged the phone into the lone computer in the corner. The black and white footage started to play. Jihoon skipped through it until they found (y/n). They followed his moves up until when he greeted them and they signed his cast.

Jackson pulled (y/n) up, adjusting his crutches for him before walking away with him at his side, struggling to keep up with his fast speed. "Hey! What was that for!" He glanced back before humming and slowing down. "I don't like how he was looking at you. I don't trust him! And he's part of a rival gang! You can't trust them!" (y/n) glared. "I'll have you know, they make me feel more like I belong than my current gang does!" (y/n) ripped his arm from his grasp. "They're my friends, they wouldn't ever hurt me. That was proved when Minghao saved me from the explosion." Jackson rolled his eyes. "You can't just leave your gang for them." (y/n) scoffed. "Like hell I can't! My 'gang' didn't even come and visit me in the hospital!" Jackson looked about ready to say something but (y/n) cut him off. "You didn't even come to see me! You know why I was in that building, you knew why it exploded, you KNEW I got caught in the cross fire, and you didn't even bother to drop in and say hello!" Jackson looked down in shame. "Yeah. That's what I thought." (y/n) turned around. "Now, I'm going back to my REAL friends."

Minghao and Jun were surprised. They looked at each other and grins spread across they're cheeks. The other members were confused, as the fight seemed to be very serious. "What are you two so happy about?" Seungcheol asked, raising his brow. The boys looked up at their team, their smiles getting wider. "He's thinking about leaving Bangtan!" Everyone broke into smiles. Minghao looked back at the footage. "No one but us  and his came to visit him in the hospital, Jackson knew why he was in the building." He frowned deeply. "However, he said that Jackson knew why the building exploded...Is he keeping something from us?" Jun frowned. "I'm sure he'll tell us when he's ready, we can't push him into anything, he's already been through so much." They all nodded in agreement. "Y'know, we should give him our numbers next time we see him, so that he can talk to us outside of school hours." Jisoo suggested, getting more nods of agreement.

    "Now!" Chan smirked mischievously. "There's an elephant in the room that needs to be addressed." Everyone looked at the youngest member confused. Chan turned to Minghao. "Minghao hyung! You like (y/n), don't you!" Minghao turned bright red, snapping his head over to look at Jun. "You told them?!" He shouted frantically in Chinese. Jun shook his head wildly, holding his hands up in surrender. "I didn't I swear!" Chan smirked widely. "I'll take that reaction as a yes!" Minghao hid in his hands, his entire face going red, along with his ears, as his members teased him. "Now now everyone, stop that, we have practice to get to!" Jeonghan said, hands on his hips. "Yes mom!" Everyone muttered, soon getting in their positions. "We should show our new dance and a few others to (y/n) when he comes back again." Seokmin said with a smile. Everyone smiled widely, nodding in agreement before getting to work.

((y/n)'s POV)

I sat at the dinner table with my mom. She had her laptop right in front of her, typing away. I brought more rice to my mouth but before I could eat it my mom spoke. "So sweetie, how was school? Find any cute girls?" She chuckled softly. "I know the questions kinda late, and I haven't been around much, but thank you so much for behaving." I gave her a soft smile. "It's no problem mom,  I actually really like it here. And no, no cute girls." I blushed. "H....However...." I shifted nervously, she didn't know I was gay yet. She smiled widely, leaning over in interest. "However?" I glanced up at her. "There is this cute guy I met..." I quickly shoved the rice in my mouth, getting ready to be yelled at.

   The silence dragged on for a while. I finally built up my courage to look up at mom. She looked like she would explode in happiness. "Oh baby! That's amazing! I'm so happy you've found yourself!" She moved to sit beside me, pushing her work off to the side. "Tell me all about him!" I smiled shyly. "Well..." I then went on a passionate shpiel about the black haired, mullet wearing boy that I had grew to have a crush on, my mom listening intently the entire time. I smiled a little. Maybe coming out wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, I'm glad she accepts me for who I am. If only more parents were like her...

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