Chapter 14

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(Vernon's POV)

It's been a long and hard month for all of us. There's been no sign of (y/n). I walked into the classroom. Minghao was sitting in the corner, his head in his hands. He had been like that ever since he went missing, there was nothing we could do to help him or cheer him up. He wouldn't even dance anymore.

    a sudden excited noise sounded from Woozi. Everyone was over to him in less than a second. "I found him!" He exclaimed happily. There were horrible bags under his eyes from the long, sleepless nights he went through to track (y/n)s location. I smiled widely, watching the life slowly return to everyone's eyes. We really were a mess without (y/n) by our side.

    Seungcheol looked at us, a determined spark in his eyes. "Get your gear. We're invading this bitch, raising hell, and saving our brother!" We all nodded in determination and ran off to get our stuff. I smiled at Minghao, and surprisingly, he smiled widely back.

(Time skip)

We all gathered around Seungcheol, our gear and wits about us. "Alright gang, here's the plan," He set out a map of the place, a little 'x' marking where (y/n) is, circles around all entrances possible. "Angel(Jeonghan), Aegi(Dino), and Tree(Mingyu) will go through here and take out any goons on that side. Knives(Jun), Hong(Joshua), and Crab(Hoshi) will go through there, taking out the rest of the goons. Knuckles(DK), me(Seungcheol), Boo(Seungkwan) and Pills(Vernon) will take out BTS, when your job is done you all come and help. Blood(Wonwoo), Bullet(Minghao), you'll find (y/n) and bring him to us. You got it? Circuits(Woozi), you stay here." Everyone nodded, pulling up our masks with diamond insignias on them.

    We all headed out, our earpieces secured in our ears. I smiled, happy that we'll be getting our brother back. I wasn't prepared for what we were gonna see.

(Time Skip)

((y/n)'s POV)

I lifted my head slowly, to weak to lift it all the way. A sudden hand struck my face. "How'd you do it?!" I looked at Yoongi, not answering like usual. I had stopped talking completely after the first day. He growled in frustration. He picked up a gun, one of his favorite toys. I had at least thirteen bullets in my body as this point. I'm surprised I haven't bled out yet.

    He pointed it at my shoulder, pulling the trigger. I couldn't keep my scream of pain in. My hair got cut every week, I was in desperate need of a proper shower and shave. I had cuts and bruises and wounds everywhere. I was sickly pale from how much blood I've lost, and I've lost more weight than a kpop star because of how little they feed me. I had lost my hope that the boys would find me a long time ago. My breath was ragged as I glared up at him with all my strength, dried blood on every inch of me, making it seem like I was darker, when in reality I was a lot paler due to lack of sunlight.

    A sudden and loud alarm goes off, alerting Yoongi that someones broken in, he throws me one last heated glare before taking off upstairs, gun still in his hand. I smiled weakly, my voice barely a whisper. "My boys...." Then everything faded to black.

(Minghao's POV)

I walked down the now empty halls with Wonwoo. I looked down at the gps Jihoon had given me to find (y/n). I gestured to Wonwoo that we had to turn to the left. I pressed myself against the wall, watching as Yoongi runs past to see what all the commotion is about. Me and Wonwoo fly to the room the gps says he's being kept in. I stopped in front of the door to mentally prepare myself for what we might see. I could hear Wonwoo take a deep breath, doing the same thing.

 I wasn't ready.

   There sat (y/n), bound to a chair. His clothes were ripped and he was covered head to toe in blood. He looked so frail and in pain. His beautiful long hair now viciously gone, now in a horribly choppy short cut. Iran over to him, quickly checking his pulse. It was faint, but strong. "Blood, help! I need something to stop the bleeding in his shoulder!" Wonwoo handed me a headband and I tightened it above his wound.

    I carefully picked him up. He felt like a feather. I could feel the anger surge through me as we picked our way over the dead bodies of goons. Closer and closer to the assholes that did this to my (y/n). I growled quietly under my breath, (y/n)s head resting on my shoulder.

    We got to the room and entered. All of BTS were either tied up, or knocked out and tied up. Seungcheol turned to us. "Ah! You found hi- Oh dear god!" he and the rest of the group ran up and swarmed us, looking over all of his wounds and scars. I could see the anger flair up in their eyes. A sudden laugh broke us out of our thoughts. We turned to Jungkook who was basically doubled over laughing. "What's so funny?" I growled. He looked up, smirking at me. "You treat him like you actually care about him!" I could feel my anger rising. He smirked wider, seeing the murderous look in my eyes. "Oh yeah, do you like the haircut I gave him? I think it looks better than that girly hair he had before." Jeonghan took great offense to that.

    I handed off (y/n) to Dino. He looked shocked at how light he was, and as my back was turned they all held him to see how light he was now. I rolled up my sleeves, pulling my gloves down more as I approached him slowly. "First," I growl, my voice deep and coated in anger, just getting angrier the more I look at his stupid face. "You kidnap (y/n)." I stood in front of him, staring down at him. "Second, You cut his hair that he was very happy with." I crouched down in front of him, staring right into his eyes. Everything was eerily silent. "And lastly, you hurt something very precious to me." I smirked widely under my mask. "Now you gotta pay." I suddenly punched him hard. He fell unconscious.

   I sighed, shaking out my hand. "Damn muscle bunny." Jun laughed at my comment, (y/n) now in his arms. I raised a brow. "Aegi pointed out how light he was, so we all wanted to know." I nodded, taking him back in my arms. I sighed, leaving a gentle kiss on his forehead, giving a look to the others to tell them not to speak a word of it to him. They nodded in understanding.

  Yoongi smirked at us. "Did he ever tell you what he did for us?" Seungcheol straightened his back, glaring at him. "Shut your filthy mouth." Yoongi just smirked wider. "He. Was. Our. Hacker." I looked down at (y/n) in my arms and held him tighter. I didn't care what he did. Jeonghan scowled. "So, you left someone so precious to your team,to die?" I could hear the anger in his voice. Namjoon shrugged. "It was his own fault for being in there when the bombs went off." I watched Jeonghan dig his nails into his palms. "That's no excuse. You know where he was. You could have helped him. No wonder he feels like hes home with us. You guys were pieces of shit."

   Everyone looked at him shocked and proud. We called the police and left the scene. I looked down at (y/n) in my lap. I started to sing the new song Jihoon made for us named 'Home', thoughts running through my head as we head to the hospital. The others join me as I sing. I softly stroke (y/n)s cheek. I got you, your safe now. I wont let anyone else touch you...

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