Chapter 5

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((y/n)'s POV)

(A few weeks later)

Mom didn't suspect a thing. She was very busy with work lately and all she knew is that I had made some good friends. I looked around quickly before grabbing a piece of paper and pen, calling Namjoon. "So boss, gimme the address and I'll be right there." He told me the address for our hide out quietly in case anyone was listening in. I nodded, writing it down and memorizing it before burning the paper.

    I walked out of the house, locking the door on my way, making sure twice before heading off in the direction I needed to go. Today was my first day seeing and being in the hideout.

    Eventually I got there and it looked pretty high tech for a gangs hideout. Something felt wrong however. I didn't know what yet, but I knew it was something. I walked through the doors and told the woman at the desk the code word so she'd let me in. she looked slightly shocked, but told me where to go anyways. I was getting a lot of stares from the female workers and glares from the males.

    "Great...another handsome man to take our women away." I smirked slightly, turning on my heel and facing him. "Now now, don't be so quick to judge. I don't want your women sweetie. You can have them." I turned back and continued on my way.

       Eventually I came to the right door and walked in. The room was filled with computers and I immediately felt at home. "Ah, (y/n), welcome. It's time to test your skills." Yoongi spoke in boredom. I nodded my head, sitting in the chair in front of the biggest monitor. I looked up at him expectantly, waiting for the task that'll prove my work. He handed me a file. I read about the man in it, he was on the hit list. "Find him. Tell me or Hoseok. Just tell me when your done." He then made his way to the couch in the room as I immediately got to work.

       After about thirty minutes I was done. I looked over to see him sleeping. I got up and shook his shoulder. "I found him hyung." He sat up, squinting at the screen, nodding and getting up to call Namjoon.

           After a while of them talking he came back in. "Alright, your first assignment is to track down our rival gang Seventeen. It would be nice to have the upper hand. I nodded softly, immediately getting to work on tracking them.

(Third person's POV with Seventeen)

Jihoon glared at his screen as he fought off the person trying to bypass his systems. He didn't know who it was, and that frustrated him more. "Hey hyung- whats wrong?" Chan said as he walked in, having been ready to tell him food was ready. Jihoon grunted. "Someones trying to bypass the system and I don't know who they are. They're really strong. Very smart to, like they can predict my move even before I decide to make it." Chan looked worried. "Should I go tell the others?" He asked softly. Jihoon nodded, furiously typing. Soon, that was the only sound in the room.

    Jihoon glared harder at the screen, thoughts rushing around his head. However, the main one was: Who is this?

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