Chapter 3

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((y/n)'s POV)

I plopped down at my desk, being the first one in. Suddenly, a boy with soft brown hair. He was very pretty, almost like a girl. He smiled softly at me. I gave him a look. He walked over to me, holding out his hand as some others came in, standing behind him, giving me a weary look. "Hi," he spoke, "My names Jeonghan!" He pointed to the two boys to his left. One had black hair and the other had brown. "This is Seungcheol and Jisoo." He then pointed to the two on his right. One had black hair and the other had blonde. "And this is Soonyoung and Jihoon." I shook each of their hands. "Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)." I spoke shortly. Seungcheol shot me a smile. "Pleasure to meet you." I nodded curtly. Soon enough class started.

            I glanced around during free time, looking at all the faces. Suddenly, I spotted one that was very familiar from my time in China. I got up, walking up to him. He was talking to two other boys with him. "Jackson?" His head shot up in my direction, wanting to know who said his name. His eyes widened. "(y/n)?" I smiled and nodded. "Wow! You've gotten so big!" I chuckled. "Yeah, that kinda happens." I turned to his friends. "Are you gonna introduce me or are you just gonna let them continue staring at me stupid?" He jumped up, standing by my side and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Jaebum, Mark, this is (y/n)!" I smiled a little. One had bright, fire like red hair. The other had simple black. They nodded back with a smile.

        Jackson turned to me. "So, have you joined anyone yet?" I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, BTS picked me out earlier today." He nodded, smiling wide. "Perfect! We're allies!" I hummed. "I'm guessing your Got7?" He nodded enthusiastically. I chuckled. "alright, I should get back to my seat." He nodded. "Don't be a stranger!" I smiled a little, shaking my head. I let it fade as I turned around and stalked back to my seat.

(Jeonghan's POV)

I watched as (y/n) interacted with Jackson, Mark, and Jaebum. It seemed like he knew them. He smiled a lot more around them. A smirk grew on my face as I thought of a plan. It would be easier to get him on our side than have to destroy him with the others in Bangtan. I turned to seungcheolie. "Boss! I just had the greatest idea!" I whisper shouted to him. He tilted his head like a confused puppy before realizing what I said and going into 'all business' mode. Jisoo hummed softly, his quiet voice coming out lower. "Well? What is it Angel?" I knew since he said my code name that he knew it had to do with our job. I smiled widely. "Well, what if we try and get (y/n) to just switch sides? He'd be an amazing asset to us!" seungcheol looked to be contemplating. He slowly nodded his head. "That's not a bad idea...however, how are we gonna get him to switch so easily? It seems like he's already pretty attached to those bozos." I hummed, placing my hand in my palm. "Hmm...I suppose I didn't think that far ahead..." Soonyoung smiled wide. "Don't worry hyung! Me and Circuits can form a plan!" Jihoon nodded softly. "That's true, me and Crab can take care of it. For now, we need to focus on gaining his trust and befriending him." Seungcheol nodded his head. "Alright, lets do it. Keep me updated you two."

        Soonyoung gave an enthusiastic nod while Jihoon just gave a lazy two fingered salute. I smiled happily. This is gonna be fuuunn. 

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