Chapter 13 - Bait, Lure, & Catch

Start from the beginning

"Do you know what they're saying... or what language they're speaking in... or if they're even speaking a language!?" Levy asked, gazing at her children in disbelief.

"I... I do..." Amenista pondered, her eyes narrowed. "But... how did your children learn a dead language?"

"Dead language?" Lucy asked.

"Your children... your children are speaking ancient draconic," Amenista breathed.

"Draconic?" Levy wondered. "No... I've heard Gajeel swear in draconic and it sounds nothing like that."

"That's because the curse words your mates use are examples of the modern draconic, a sort of normal speak if you will... your children are speaking the original language of dragons. The speak that was used when humans were still figuring out the usage of fire and rocks," Amenista was in awe of the two children.

"Do... do you know what they're saying?" Levy asked.

Amenista shook her head, "I am not fluent. I knew a few older dragons when I served Tyregenium who spoke some and so I caught bits and pieces but... but the language is ancient and far beyond me."

"How the heck did your kids learn an ancient language?" Lucy asked Levy.

"You expect me to know! Until twenty minutes ago I wasn't even sure that they could talk!" Levy cried.

"Fáthren sounds like it might stand for 'father'. Fáthren drübsetk. Methrá drü distruóact. Síe Fáthren drüther Höldrevn. Methrá n'ashaught sí distruóact," Amenista recalled.

"Yeah, I have no idea what you're saying," Lucy sighed. Suddenly, her eyes brighter. "But I know who might! Now that I know it's an ancient language, I think I know who to call."

She pulled a silver key out of her pack and grinned. 

"OPEN! Gare of the southern cross! Crux!" Lucy summoned.  There was a golden flash of light and floating beside Lucy was the familiar spirit.

"Grandpa Crux, we need your help," Lucy asked the spirit.

"I'm afraid I still don't have anything. Capricorn does not know where your son took his key," Crux sighed.

"That's alright, but I need to know if you understand ancient draconic," Lucy asked.

"Ancient draconic?" Crux pondered. "Yes... I'm a little rusty but I do know a small bit."

"Translate please," Lucy asked, she gestured for Amenista to repeat.

"Fáthren drübsetk. Methrá drü distruóact. Síe Fáthren drüther Höldrevn. Methrá n'ashaught sí distruóact," Amenista recalled.

"Father is missing. Mother is... sad? But Father is... Father is through the door. Mother should not be sad?" Crux pondered offering a rough translation

"Father is through the door?" Levy wondered.

"Drüther Höldrevn!" Kurui cried desperately.

"Through the door," Crus translated. "At least I think that's what she saying... I'm not sure though. It's very hard to make a direct translation. She may also be saying "the gate", "the wall", or "the doorway".

"Through the door," Levy pondered.

"LEVY! LUCY! LEVY! LUCY!" a familiar voice called. Everyone turned to see Macao running up running up as fast as his old legs would allow. "It's Zeref and Mavis!"

"Zeref and Mavis?" Lucy wondered. "Here?"

"They're at the guild! Talking with Makarov!" Macao cried.

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